Lopez needs to shut off his snare


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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I shouldn't really be saying this, however, I think it's important.

The buzz from Lopez's snare was kind of distracting during the show, during the non-drum parts. I don't know why he didn't shut it off (you know, the lever to drop the snare wires).

But aside from this, the show was great, Lopez is great, and Mikael is a genuis as well as a very friendly and personable live performer. It was an evening of pure magic.

And PT is just fucking incredible live. Damn.
that 'buzz' is called sympathetic buzz and if it pops up it can be a bitch to get rid of, as the snare vibrates to one particular note. shutting it on and off makes a rather crackly sound which would sound awful amplified.