Lopez Vs Portnoy

Lopez or Portnoy?

  • Lopez (opeth)

    Votes: 83 55.7%
  • portnoy (dream theater)

    Votes: 66 44.3%

  • Total voters
I vote for Lopez.
He is one of the most dynamic drummers playing metal. He can go really soft and brutal making both sounding greate without overplaying.

That is my opinion. He is also a greate guy:)
Portnoy > Lopez in technicality/complexity
Lopez > Portnoy in soul/groove

I really can't vote overall. But one thing I can say...Portnoy is integral to DT. Lopez is however, not integral to Opeth.
I dislike most drummers from the Peart/Portnoy School of Drumming.

Peart has his moments, but Portnoy is just ass.
estimate said:
Why are you digging up a half year old thread?
Because I don't want to be told to use the 'search' button when I make my own drummer vs drummer thread. Plus, it was an interesting thread that I hadn't participated in. So kill me.
Not only do I think Lopez is technically more proficient, I like his style better. For those who say Portnoy is "so much more technical" or that "Lopez couldn't do the things Portnoy does" that is just ridiculous. I think Lopez could play the DT parts if he learned them. Portnoy doesn't have the sticking or the footwork (double bass) that Lopez has and probably couldn't pull off something like the terribly long double bass section at the end of Blackwater Park. Lopez is a WAY more proficient rudimental drummer. To the guy who talked about Portnoy's one stroke rolls, you are right. He also overuses the double bass/tom quads to death. It sounds like I'm being way too hard on Portnoy, when I actually really like him, just not as much as M-Lo.
Also, anyone who says that voting for Lopez makes you biased is NOT a drummer, period.
Maq said:
Lopez, seeing him live must be thrilling.

It was definitely thrilling seeing him on the Damnation tour, and I imagine that myself being inclined to metal slightly more than prog rock, I'll enjoy him even more next Tuesday at the heavy show!!!

To the guy who said Lopez wasn't into it when he played.. fucking wake up next time you see him. He looks so relaxed and immersed in the music, it's amazing.
Love both bands/drummers..I've been into both bands since the beginning. Lopez has the luxury of getting to interperet the music Mikael comes up with. Portnoy is in a band that went to school for this, and they all like to show off their chops. Portnoy does contribute lyrically, but is in a position where he must keep up with Petrucci, Myung, and Rudess. Of course Portnoy plays in the "look what I can do" syle. If he didn't, you know he would be out of DT. I've seen both bands live, and they both have jaw dropping styles, I like Opeth as a band better, but when I go to see DT, it's obviously to see how technical they are at each members instruments. And in Transatlantic, Portnoy doesn't show off, or any of the side projects he's participated in. OSI is just crap to me, but that's not Portnoy's project. He's just helping out ex-DT member Kevin Moore...who to me is messed up in the head. I mean, have you heard Moore's Chroma Key shit? He reminds me of Syd Barrett, after he left Pink Floyd. Lopez, his stuff definitely breathes, has more feel, and as everyone has said, doesn't get in the way of the other band members musical contributions in each Opeth song. I like Opeth and Lopez better than DTand Portnoy, but Portnoy I would say is slightly better. I like this discussion...it's getting me offended and laughing at the same time..in defense of both drummers. Besides, there is always someone better on every instrument.