Lord of the rings

another thing. arwen's role was made more prominent because there are hardly any significant female roles in tolkiens boks. maybe a sign of the times he wrote them in. i dont mind it at all cause it makes the effect more well balanced if there are strong female characters. i think the wedding at the end would look a bit silly if it wasnt explained what was going on and why arwen left everything behind.
fuck you'd think the story was real the way i get into it sometimes! i wish it was real. i'd move to lothlorien straight away
and cook cate a nice dinner.
Originally posted by pagan2002
another thing. arwen's role was made more prominent because there are hardly any significant female roles in tolkiens boks. maybe a sign of the times he wrote them in. i dont mind it at all cause it makes the effect more well balanced if there are strong female characters. i think the wedding at the end would look a bit silly if it wasnt explained what was going on and why arwen left everything behind.
fuck you'd think the story was real the way i get into it sometimes! i wish it was real. i'd move to lothlorien straight away
and cook cate a nice dinner.

:D Yeah, wish to god there were someplace as 'perfect' as Middleearth. Perhaps New Zealand wouldn't be such a bad place to visit now :)
And yes again, I've heard that Tolkiens supression of strong female characters in the story is mainly because there were no such thing as a strong woman in his time (except the queen). But the glory of books will never fail to dissapoint me in the movies. Guess that's my problem though :zzz:
The movie was the best movie I ever saw.( Except of some Bud Spencer & Terence Hill movies which I really like) I'm glad I don't like books. :rolleyes:
So excited about the long version and the next movie part in Dezember.
The books are among my favorites.. the movie too.. but it did not live up to my expectations(which was probably too high). I dislike Arwens part in the movie, and the fight between Saruman and Gandalf was not good- at all. And I hate it that I have to wait a year for each movie!!:(
I agree with pagan, i wouldn't like the film to be the same with the book and i believe that it's impossible to make a perfect copy of Tolkien's book in a movie! PJ puts his own elements in the legend, looking it with his own point of view, and that's the meaning of Tolkien's works: FANTASY! Not Legolas hair...
Originally posted by Elmarad
I agree with pagan, i wouldn't like the film to be the same with the book and i believe that it's impossible to make a perfect copy of Tolkien's book in a movie! PJ puts his own elements in the legend, looking it with his own point of view, and that's the meaning of Tolkien's works: FANTASY! Not Legolas hair...

Then they are other people (or the same people :guh: ) complaining it's the same as in the book. No, I like the film, saw him 3 times now, and read the book twice, and I still can't get enough of it.
It's a pity that the 4-dvd-set will only be released in november. And probably it will cost a lot of money, as it's a special edition :( . Aaah, we'll see...
Shame on me but I've never read any books from Tolkien though I've read so many books from the fantasy genre and I just loved them.

(I recommend you the dark elf books from R.A. Salvatore and books from Terry Brooks)

I've seen the film and now I will read the book, too. (Every friend of mine read it these days so it is hard to borrow, and every Tolkien work has gone from the library, too !!)

I think Cate was too evil even after she survived from the temptation of the ring. I did not like her character at all. She was like a fallen angel or something.

But regarding the other main characters I think they all was pretty good. I haven't read the book but I read other fantasy books so..
F.e. Gandalf was really like I imagine a kind of wizard.
havent watched the flim yet. maybe i wait till all is done, rent a hotel-cinema and get a little tired at the end..
mind you i have read some Tolkien, but some time ago. hes among the best story-tellers of all time.
i disagree ghostie. in the book, galadriel had no evil in her, but was terribly powerful, and i think in the film they just twisted it a bit to make her seem a bit sinister, but she isnt. she was my favourite anyway. maybe it was the dress.
not only her look! I think you can see many similarities in these pics and the film. good pics, methinks.

in one week there'll be the first dvd i think, well it will be long week...... hehe!

Originally posted by pagan2002

1. if you read the appendixes at the end of return of the king you will find the story of aragorn and arwen written by jrr tolkien. they got married at the end of the book so obviously they must have known eachother.
2. Peter Jackson has done a brilliant job, as have everyone doing the films. it would not be right to recreate the book exactly (its impossibly long anyway) so what he has to do is make 3 great films. a bit of artistic licence is needed. books are not the same as films...
3.on the 4 disc DVD coming out in november, theres a version of the film thats 40 minutes longer and apparently has more galadriel scenes in it, and the other gifts will be there. maybe 4 hours was too long for the cinema version.
4. the cast was brilliant. and arwen saving frodo is well allowed cos nobody gives a fuck about glorfindel anyway, and if tolkien was alive he's be blown away by the films and probably wouldnt mind the changes, he wasnt as anal as alot of his readers!

still, each to their own opinion...

Exactly my thoughts.
Originally posted by Morpheus
not only her look! I think you can see many similarities in these pics and the film. good pics, methinks.

in one week there'll be the first dvd i think, well it will be long week...... hehe!


yeah there's a good reason for that!
when peter jackson was planning the films with his mates, they were reading the illustrated verssion of lord of the rings, and because the pictures were so good, they asked alan lee and john howe to work on the films with them.
so they both went to live in new zealand for 18 months and were involved in the design of just about everything in the film, from swords to landscapes. thats why the film looks like 'classic' tolkien.
bring on the hobbit!
Originally posted by Mikiuk
The DVD comes out here next week so i will post here on what its like{New Zealand that is}

whats it like in living in such an amazingly beautiful place?
i'm a bit jealous!
Thats funny I was going to ask you the same thing about Liverpool{its where my Grandfarther was born}Its great i wouldnt live anywhere else nice clear air{Im in Wellington so the wind blows all the crap away}everythings really close and easy to get to although we cant just go down the road to see bands like you guys play.The 2 islands are very different North is Metro and farming with some big volcanos throwen in for good measure.South Islands very rugged big mountains great skiing and awesome landscapes come and visit some time
youre not joking, i would go and visit the first real chance i got!!!!
wait a little while and maybe i could go...if your offering to put me up for a little bit...?