Lords of Chaos


The Dark Wanderer
:erk: anyone have this book? I don't and I've heard from a bunch of people already that it's very badass and it tells indepth stories about Varg Viekens, Euronymous, Faust, Dead, and all the other satanic metal figures. I've heard something like Varg killed Euronymous cuz Euronymous wanted to kill him, but I don't know any details.

Can anyone give me just a quick rundown on these four guys? like what Varg really did, how Dead died, what Euronymous did/how he died, and what Faust did to become so popular in the satanic underground?

I've only heard the names briefly and heard that Dead died, but nothing more as background behind these guys. I wanna buy the book, but am currently broke.
Here we go for the trillionth time...

* Varg probably burnt a church or two and stabbed Euronymous to death in 1993. He did supposedly believe that had he not killed Euro, Euro would have killed him. He is now in jail. Started the Allgermanische Heidnische Front but is not a member any longer. Recently, feeling threatened, he escaped from prison but was caught and is now back.

* Euronymous ran a record label (Deathlike Silence Productions,) a band (Mayhem,) and a record store in Oslo (Helvete.) He was killed by Varg. Known because he was the first to bring ideology into black metal and a true musical innovator within the genre.

* Dead shot himself in the head with a shotgun in 1991.

* Faust killed a homosexual in the Olympic Park of Lillehammer in 1992. He is (was?) in jail. Recently joined the reformed Dissection on drums, and even more recently left the reformed Dissection because he didn't agree with Jon's satanic ideology.
NocturnalSun said:
:erk: anyone have this book? I don't and I've heard from a bunch of people already that it's very badass and it tells indepth stories about Varg Viekens, Euronymous, Faust, Dead, and all the other satanic metal figures. I've heard something like Varg killed Euronymous cuz Euronymous wanted to kill him, but I don't know any details.

Can anyone give me just a quick rundown on these four guys? like what Varg really did, how Dead died, what Euronymous did/how he died, and what Faust did to become so popular in the satanic underground?

I've only heard the names briefly and heard that Dead died, but nothing more as background behind these guys. I wanna buy the book, but am currently broke.

I will trade you a copy of the book, if you want. Do you have any music VHS/DVD or books or other merchandise you would trade for it?
the book is not that great. The author tends to stray from the subject at hand. He also concentrates on Varg way too much (practically 75% of the book). The whole "Inner Circle" stories of church burnings and murder can be found on the internet.
I haven't read Lords of Choas and have no desire to do so.

For one I already know just about everything about the church burnings and the murders. Second because I would want to read a book that focuses on the musical aspect of Black Metal, Lords of Chaos is about pointless events that most people in the norwegian Metal scene don't even care about much nowadays - there was nothing honerable or cool about any of the events. Third because it does indeed focus on Varg, like Dreamlord said.
I tend to find that the church burnings/murders/etc have overshadowed the music itself, which is quite sad. Certainly, Mayhem are very much overhyped because of these events.
I just Lords of Chaos, which I purchased just last week. I found it to be a fascinating book. It focuses more on the ideologies of black metal and the murders/church burnings that took place in Norway than the actual music, though.
I found the best part of the book was going back and forth and finding holes and contradictions in everything Varg says in the book.

Not exact quotes, mind you, just a rough idea.

Varg, pg. 297 or whatever: "I am not, nor have I ever been, a Satanist."
Varg, pg. 83 or whatever: "I AM A SATANIST!"
hahaha is the book really not that good? If I can find out a good deal what it says in the book online, then I'd rather not buy it. And by the way, I don't have any music vhs/dvd or book things to trade for it, so that wouldn't work either. Thanks, at least I finally got my facts straight on these 4 guys :) and that picture of him is not up on the site anymore. I don't think I'd want to see it, though, now that I think of it. Brains blown out... holy shit... I'm not interested in the whole gore/guts scene
NocturnalSun said:
hahaha is the book really not that good? If I can find out a good deal what it says in the book online, then I'd rather not buy it. And by the way, I don't have any music vhs/dvd or book things to trade for it, so that wouldn't work either. Thanks, at least I finally got my facts straight on these 4 guys :) and that picture of him is not up on the site anymore. I don't think I'd want to see it, though, now that I think of it. Brains blown out... holy shit... I'm not interested in the whole gore/guts scene
That picture was used as the cover of a live album. Or was it a bootleg?

I think it was called "Dawn of the Black Hearts"
Well, I enjoyed it. I thought it had a lot to offer. Here's a rundown of it:

Chapter 1: "Sympathies For The Devil" - a brief look at Satanism and Asatru in popular music in pre-Mayhem days.

Chapter 2: "Death Metal Dies, Black Metal Arrives" - the musical heritage of Black Metal, from NWOBHM onwards.

Chapter 3: "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" - a look at the early Norwegian scene and a discussion of why it happened in Norway.

Chapter 4: "Mayhem In The Dead Zone" - the story of Mayhem's early days, up to Dead's suicide, mostly told via interviews with people like Hellhammer and Varg Vikernes.

Chapter 5: "Welcome To Hell" - Concerning DSP and Helvete, Euronymous's developing "evil" persona, and the growing tension between him and Varg.

Chapter 6: "Ashes" - The early church-burnings, with a discussion on arson in general, and a small section about Maria Puurunen, leading into a section about the explosion of media interest in Black Metal.

Chapter 7: "Deathlike Silences" - Faust kills a homosexual man and Varg kills Euronymous. Then details the Vargite/Euronymist splits in the scene afterwards.

Chapter 8: "Count Quisling" - the media circus around Varg's trial. Includes an interview with his mother. Then details Varg's shift from Satanism to Asatru, his involvement with the Neo-Nazi scene, and the founding of the Norse Heathen Front. Includes some historical background on Vidkun Quisling, who ruled Norway under the Nazis, and Jan-Erik Kvamsdahl, who seems to have been something like Varg's mentor in Neo-Nazism.

Chapter 9: "Resurgent Atavism" - A large section on mythology and history, and how they might be tied into the Black Metal scene.

Chapter 10: "Their Satanic Majesties" - A collection of interviews with musicians and occult figures on how genuine Black Metal Satanism actually was.

Chapter 11: "Furor Teutonicus" - About the German Heathen Black Metal band Absurd, featuring a long interview with Hendrik Moebus, and also a small section about Cradle of Filth's encounter with a knife-wielding German Black Metal youth.

Chapter 12: "Lords of Chaos" - Black Metal crimes and criminals from Sweden, France, England, Russia, Poland and America.

Chapter 13: "Ragnarok" - about Nationalist Heathenism, and how it came to supplant Satanism as the focus of the Black Metal underground. Finishes off with a page or two about the symbology of fire.

Appendix 1 - Finn Bjorn Tonder's interview with an "unnamed youth" (now know to be Varg Vikernes) for the Norwegian paper Bergens Tidende.

Appendix 2 - Kadmon's essay "Oskorei", which draws parallels between Black Metal and the "wild hunt" of Nordic tradition.

Appendix 3 - Simen Midgaard's article "Satanism In Norway".