LSD Kickdrums....wohooo

Lasse, When does your "Advertising price, buyers of this pack will get all future updates for free." Deal end?

sept. 1st.
the final price will not be much higher though and package deals will always be available.
the price for the complete package (kicks,snares and toms) will also stay below 100quid.

and all packs (kicks, snares, toms) will onstantly be updated free of charge.

and before you ask "when will the toms be available"...that'll take some time, but I'm working on it
Is there a special deal when purchasing the kick & the complete snare pack at the same time Lasse, or somemething like a kick&snare boundle?
I think I'll need bouth of them very soon....
I thought about offering a kick+snare pack already, but I thought that wouldn't be fair towards the people who bought the snare pack when it came out and then bought the kick pack.
My intention was to reward early buyers instead of punish them for being quick (all the people who bought the first snare for 5 or 10 or what it was get still all the updates for free for example).
BUT I see that I should be offering a kick+snare bundle, especialy since it'll take some time till the toms will be available, I'm just thinking about how I can do it without being unfair for the quick buyers.
something like "who bought kick and snares before bundles were offered gets the toms for free" or something like that.
before I release the toms and entire drums bundle I'll have to come up with a way to reward early buyers who bought only the individual packs cuase I didn't have any bundles available at that time.

well, I guess the best way to do this would really be to not offer a kick+snare bundle but to give the toms as a reward for eeryone who bought the kicks and snares till lets say sept. 1st.

Adam W.: thanks for that clip, will listen later when I'm in the studio, sounds cool on laptop though.
thw price for the toms will definitely not be more than 25 and the price for all the drums will not be more than 99!

Clip sounds a little bit artificial because of no humanizing but this sounds quite good actually ! I'd love to hear this in a mix.

yep, I think those are only the hardest hits...would perhaps use medium hits in rolls and blasts etc to humanize it a bit, but after all this is just a quick midi file, so of course it's not a final mix anyways
My intention was to reward early buyers instead of punish them for being quick (all the people who bought the first snare for 5 or 10 or what it was get still all the updates for free for example).

Haha, yeah I'm still beating myself for missing that deal :lol:

But I totally understand your point about the early buyers.
the thing about the toms sounds really nice and fair to me tough
...well, guess its time to upload some money on my paypal account :D