LSD Snare Samples v1.2

Weimark: of course I'm paying taxes, annual income taxes as well as quarterly vat...VAT in Germany is 19%, I pay that very 3 months, and on whatever is left I pay the income tax every year,
But why is that of interest to you?
I still don't get your point, the price includes te taxes of course, where's the problem?

I'd love to offer NKIs!!!!
I just can't do it myself, and since I only have the kontakt that comes with slate I can't even try the nkis that people make using Kontakt4.
so I'd need someone to do it and it has to be right without me checking it....
also don't I have enough cymbal samples yet, I never planned on including cymbals in those packs, the ones that are in there now came kinda as a side-product, so every nki would have the same cymbals...would be a bit boring I think.
But I'd still like to do it somehow, just don't know how exactly since I only own the Kontakt player