Males and Females

Dating in general is just fucking hard.

Im on the same level, I pulled the plug on my dating accounts and stopped hitting up Tinder and just wanna be alone for a bit. And as hard as it is, Ive been keeping my distance from dating that crazy ex heroin pushing stripper.

She was fun. :(


Listen to this guy.
I lol'd like fuck
Dating in general is just fucking hard.

Im on the same level, I pulled the plug on my dating accounts and stopped hitting up Tinder and just wanna be alone for a bit. And as hard as it is, Ive been keeping my distance from dating that crazy ex heroin pushing stripper.

She was fun. :(

Oh yeah. a crazy person sounds like a blast, dude. :err: :lol:

I see the same lot of folks on here seem to be having dating issues. What a shame. I pulled myself out of the dating scene for a bit about a month ago. Met a dude who was an alcoholic AND a pathological liar! Swell! :zzz:That wasfor sure a good sign to take a break. People are nuts.

What happened to that one dude you were dating for a long time?
Finally getting some alone time after my girl was here for like six days. She wound up stranded for 3 days because of the storm in MA, no buses running. I love that girl but I need some me time.
Are you people incapable of living with the opposite sex? Or do you just date super clingy chicks who wanna spend every moment together?
Are you people incapable of living with the opposite sex? Or do you just date super clingy chicks who wanna spend every moment together?

I actually think I could live with my current girlfriend. But I consider it rare. Today I only cooked some simple pasta for her and she still enjoyed it. I mean, the food was so simple we could start farting in front of each other if we cook such simple foods for each other. However previously I made her some beef with spinach and my own potato dumplings so that's that. Tomorrow I might make some sushi. I enjoy cooking but I'm not too fond of buying the ingredients.

My relationship with the butcher's shop is complicated. I enjoy all the meat that's there up the mother but I consider it too expensive. The price always ends up being higher than I would have thought.
Are you people incapable of living with the opposite sex? Or do you just date super clingy chicks who wanna spend every moment together?

I've been living with my girlfriend for two years now. Spent two and a half weeks around each other nearly 24/7 while on vacation a few weeks ago. Didn't get snappy with each other or anything. It helps that we both seem to know each other intuitively
Are you people incapable of living with the opposite sex? Or do you just date super clingy chicks who wanna spend every moment together?

She came up for the weekend, Friday evening to Monday morning, since we're long distance atm. Massive snowstorm meant all the buses home were cancelled, so she had to stay a couple days longer.

My ex was super crazy clingy though.
A relationship isn't truly good until you can both rip ass next to each other.


The two years I've been with my partner have been mostly long-distance, though there were a couple stretches of living together for 3 months or so, and those worked out without any major problems.

One issue we have discovered is that living in the same bedroom means neither of us has any truly personal space, and the room gets quite messy very easily. So we've agreed that whenever we live together again (i.e. she decides to move back to Iowa), she'll have her own room, and we can alternate sleeping in each other's beds. I know other people who have used this system successfully.