Males and Females

Crazy pussy is the best pussy in bed

still not sure if it's worth it though. My 2nd ex once got on the subway platform in her underwear because we had an argument about a gift I didn't like. That's true crazy pussy
It's so alluring. I just hung out with a girl who's into doing stupid shit like robbing a store or setting something on fire just to get sexually aroused. It was cool talking to her but I'm just too old for that shit. Although if she was super hot I cant say I wouldnt think about it
This one was a knock out. It sucks because it's virtually impossible for the craziest ones to work out. Total clash of personality.
Nice. God she must be such a great tease

You should try Tinder man. It's much easier/faster to find a hook up. Especially if youre near a city

Also started using this app called Burner. It gives you a temporary, disposable phone number. Perfect for the crazies
So I'm desperate then, huh? I don't know man. This one was saying some intense shit and she was connected to various polyamorous groups that she added me to. That would be a pretty elaborate scheme.

My apologies, dude. I guessed she was the type to take advantage of desperate men. The fact that you distanced yourself from her excludes you from that category.
Women are more dishonest than men I think on that site. Men just have no filter on that site and send unsolicited sick pics.

High standards on that site when you're not really going to find many people with said degree of standards

Women are dishonest pigs on all dating sites from what I can gather. I've heard too many horror stories from friends about chicks asking for dick pix and the like in their initial messages.
My apologies, dude. I guessed she was the type to take advantage of desperate men. The fact that you distanced yourself from her excludes you from that category.

No worries man. That is exactly what I do with every woman I pursue. I assume defeat and say the wrong thing.

I ended up caving and texting her. I had the above reaction and she told me she likes me but couldn't be interested in that way. I seriously cannot mentally handle mind games.
Yeah. I wish that would've happened to me. I did get a random offer from a woman to have sex which kinda surprised me. I'm thinking 'Can I buy you coffee first or something or get to know you a little?' and I kept asking questions and shit and then she made fun of the fact that I play D&D and blocked me.

Keep in mind there was no contact at all before that exchange.
Um, this did happen for me with this girl I mentioned haha (but it sneaked into the conversation and I'm not sure if she was being serious). I don't want my dick in circulation on the Internet and especially to a stranger.

We're talking again and I'm not sure why. All I know is that I feel like quite the jackass.
Um, this did happen for me with this girl I mentioned haha (but it sneaked into the conversation and I'm not sure if she was being serious). I don't want my dick in circulation on the Internet and especially to a stranger.

We're talking again and I'm not sure why. All I know is that I feel like quite the jackass.

Don't do it, man!!!

Is it weird that I don't enjoy looking at photos of cocks? :lol: There's really nothing sexy about it.