Males and Females

Really tall women who are hot are amazingly hot. I don't know why. I'm kind of tall anyway.

I've been thinking. I think I'm really good looking but how I insecure I used to be fucked it. Seeing as some things have gone pretty fucked, I might as well just be all ballsy with women and see how many pussies i can smite.
There's certain things I miss about being single. I met my dude around when I turned 21, and I used to be just this good time having wild child who did some really crazy, memorable shit. He kinda made me less of an alcoholic, and honestly, I miss it sometimes. I wouldn't leave the dude, love him with all my heart and I know we've both just grown up a bit over the years and nobody's a free spirit forever, but our first kiss was drunk as fuck having a bonfire under an overpass. I miss that shit. I feel so domesticated sometimes. I still party here and there, but nothing fun and crazy, and he never drinks.

I know its part of being an adult and all, and I know people just don't do that kind of thing at my age, my peers included. But I miss those 6am inebriated hang outs. Him and I had some really awesome, wild times before we got good jobs.

Maybe this goes in the bitching thread, idk. The grass isn't greener on the other side but basically I wish the two of us could just get trashed together again. Its not mandatory for love but it would be nice.
I dont have a damn problem telling anyone they are over staying their welcome. I expect and want the same treatment from my friends. Dont get me wrong, I'll feed em, fuck em, give em a place to sleep, shower, shit etc. But the second its time for someone to leave, they know. Like I said, I know how it is, and want the same treatment. Hospitality when its genuine, but not when its self sacrificing to the host.

Just seeing this and yeah it's better to be more outspoken about certain things. Just don't really like making big deals over shit, unless it boils over.

On a somewhat unrelated note, my best friend could stay over whenever she wants and however long. She's seriously the most considerate and intuitive person ever, and i never minded being with her for extended periods of time. We both know when to leave each other alone, if she stays over sometimes shell make fucking cookies when i come home from work, and when she leaves she leaves adorable notes all around the house.

if no other relationship works out for her or for me, she'd be my forever bitch.

Man, being the fifth wheel fucking sucks. You see your friend doing well with a female and you end up feeling like an asshole because you really want to leave but you can't just leave your friend there alone or force him to leave too early. Also kinda sucks when you are convinced to go out that there might be a "friend" there for you to perhaps chat with but she ends up getting set up.

Fuck, I've never felt so depressed. Also, jealous is a fucking stupid thing.
Eharmony is actually potentially working for once. Talking with a chick right now who actually fits the bill- seems nice, homebody, neither a freak nor a jesus freak, petite body type, only downsides I can see is she's got darker hair and aint a metalhead. I guess we'll let those two slide...
It sucks how it's become taboo to not drink or smoke. Seems like everyone I meet focuses all of their free time on getting fucked up or partying. Fuck that shit.
Absolutely love alchohol in small quantities and equally despise it in larger amounts as most people are prone to partake in. 2-3 fingers of scotch or a few beers while watching a football game are great. Getting "fucked up" is just fucking stupid though. Take the edge off but don't surrender your intellect, ya know?
I use OkCupid for one reason and one reason only: to see how dishonest women are willing to be via the Internet. I have a couple of priceless stories but last night, I reached my greatest feat yet.

So I've been talking to a polyamorous woman from Chicago over the past month. We didn't have much in common but she was fun to flirt with. Eventually though, we started getting a little more serious in our conversations and yesterday, she said I was someone she could fall for. Later on, we got on the subject of sexuality and I told her something that aroused her so much that she said she was going to go sleep with her primary. Later, she asked if I was feeling jealous and I told her I wasn't. I don't know if that pissed her off or what but she started saying that she wasn't looking for a relationship right now so I blocked her.

I was pissed at first but this is one hell of a story. Talk about insecurity. What do you think her primary partner would have said had he known that she used a stranger to get off? I don't think he would have been pleased and I don't believe for a second that she told him. "Polyamory is honesty" my ass.

Thoughts? I know men are just as ridiculous on dating sites.
Women are more dishonest than men I think on that site. Men just have no filter on that site and send unsolicited sick pics.

High standards on that site when you're not really going to find many people with said degree of standards
Sounds like she was just using that site to troll desperate men and that she is in fact monogamous. She and her partner probably have a good laugh at their expense.
So I'm desperate then, huh? I don't know man. This one was saying some intense shit and she was connected to various polyamorous groups that she added me to. That would be a pretty elaborate scheme.
I would agree that she probably is monogamous (for now anyway), but that doesn't mean the partner knows about it. Something is lacking at home so she's trying to get the feeling of being wanted within a "safe space". Women like having multiple guys in thrall - although they generally aren't attracted to those in thrall. I wouldn't be surprised if she were to attempt to rope you in again if you were to unblock her.
They are definitely polyamorous. Her profile has a link to her partner's page. That doesn't mean there can't be dishonesty in a polyamorous relationship. She did, however, say that she's inactive with anyone else at the moment.

If she was trolling, she was putting a lot of effort into it. She told me she has bipolar disorder and she would randomly get emotionally combative with me. Nothing serious but still. She was playing games and toying with the idea of leaving her partner for me. I'm sure she does this often with men but I got bored of it after last night. I don't want to know someone who is constantly trying to get me to read between the lines, especially on the Internet.