Males and Females

I think we all were fucking brainwashed by Monoxide_Child into liking fat girls or something. Everyone used to be like "ew, she's a size 8 gross" and now you wackos are like "FUCK! She's an 18! JERK OFF!"

Taste matures with age?

Mathias I'm with you. I clearly LOVE TO PARTY based on my post history, but I really just want nice cool people my age who like to do fun activities. The worst part is as you get older, people shack up and have kids and buy houses and with greater responsibility comes less free time.
Small children absolutely kill the ability to go out, unless you make really good money and can afford sitting/the extra plates, or unless one of you stays home.
Small children absolutely kill the ability to go out, unless you make really good money and can afford sitting/the extra plates, or unless one of you stays home.

My son and I live with my Mom. She will watch him for me when I want to go out, usually just once a week or something. I was never real big on going out and getting shitfaced, even before having a child. It's cool that's she's awesome enough to do that for me and totally understands how important it is I sort of have a social life outside of work and kid.
Yeah, none of our kids grandparents are in a position to provide any sort of assistance with that (or anything else really), due in every case to having been generally irresponsible in life. Must be nice though to have it. I know that they did have parental help when my wife and I were young, and were inconsiderate enough to not put themselves in any position to pay a damn thing forward.
Damn :(

It's very nice and I feel rather fortunate in that aspect. One of my really good friends almost NEVER gets a night without her children. She works and her husband is always doing crazy 12 hour shifts working at the local hospital. Hubby's family lives way out of state and gf's mother lives literally a few streets down but hardly ever offers to take the kids for the evening or whatever. It blows.
One of my students is a very attractive lady, probably somewhere in her 30s. She seems to have a different concept of personal space, to the extent that if she comes up to me to ask a question, I actually have to lean back a little as otherwise we'd be in contact. Then one time she asks me something I can't remember specifically, except that I didn't quite understand how she was going about a certain step in the lab, at which point she brings her face just a few inches from mine while I was mid-explanation, and says something like "Oh my mistake" with a smile/possibly-a-wink-it-all-happened-so-fast. I could taste her breath on my tongue, and while my germophobic instincts had the first impulse of "Oh my goodness I'm going to be sick", I just as quickly gained an odd appreciation of the flavor in spite of being somewhat "natural" (e.g. her breath wasn't minty or anything), and before I knew it my penis began expanding. Then I realized that in all those movies where a couple gets really close and starts talking with mouths apart by just a couple inches, it's not intimate just on that intrinsic level but they're actually in a perpetual state of tasting each others' breath. Now I can only imagine what other things that are probably extremely well-established that I am unaware of and may die unaware of.
You should totally have sex with her. It'll probably be tough, with other smells and so forth that you're not used to, but you really should.
She's apparently married, and factoring in the student thing, yeah, no shit. Not to mention that I don't know if she's actually trying to be flirty or something or if it's just her personality. I should add that she has an accent and so it might be cultural.
She's apparently married, and factoring in the student thing, yeah, no shit. Not to mention that I don't know if she's actually trying to be flirty or something or if it's just her personality. I should add that she has an accent and so it might be cultural.

Everyone has an accent.