Males and Females

I could taste her breath on my tongue, and while my germophobic instincts had the first impulse of "Oh my goodness I'm going to be sick", I just as quickly gained an odd appreciation of the flavor in spite of being somewhat "natural" (e.g. her breath wasn't minty or anything), and before I knew it my penis began expanding.

that's the effect on me when i get the first whiff of a new asshole and then immediately start rimming it. nothing like meeting a hot young slut for the first time and then within minutes have my tongue an inch inside her. instant boner, in fact it's difficult for me to get one without it
I've been trying, very unsuccessfully, to date ladies closer to my age to avoid maturity/stability issues, plus if they haven't put on a bunch of pounds by late 20s chances are less likely they eventually will. But that hasn't been going so well especially on eharmony/okcupid. They're either fat, black, have kids, nothing in common, or live 50 miles away- yay shitty location algorithms! I live very near to a large local university and may just start robbing the cradle. Maturity issues can be fairly easy to spot early and disengage from, and I guess I'll have to roll the dice on the weight bit...
Kaf I have no idea how you do that

I dont know why but I cant really drink anymore. I get bad headaches (as im drinking), terrible hangovers, depressed the next day, lazy, stupid WTF. I used to be able to drink and just shake it off

Now all I want is Oxy or good weed. I can't wait 'till I can just walk into a store and buy it

I went on a kinda date with this woman who only talked about how hard her life was, how she made it and how strong she was now. I just sat there and nodded while she kept talking completely oblivious to her surroundings and the human in front of her. It was exhausting. I ended up asking her if she wanted to come to my place and play video games heh she declined as she's a "professional woman" and asked me if I was still in college. She got a cab and I had a couple more drinks, went to Whole Foods Krispy Kreme section and ate like 5 donuts
I have no idea either.

I can drink so much fucking alcohol and not get one bit of a hangover the next day. I wish I would, it would help me not be such a raging alcoholic.

Hopefully this chick understands. I was looking forward to seeing her, its been awhile since we hung out.
How much alcohol are we talking? like a 5th of scotch?

I had 2 cranberry vodkas last night and I still have a headache haha God I suck

I swear when I get consistent access to weed I'm going full pothead
I've had sex with 12 women in my life so far, as a 23 year old. All of them except one were at least attractive. Supposedly this is twice the average. Am I amazing? handsome? a holy penis?