Males and Females

So apparently I was bothering some lady in a bar yesterday. Her boyfriend came to me and told me I looked at her 5 times and that he was about to beat me up. Niga was countin'.

EDIT: The trouble is that she's a friend of my girlfriend's friend and the lady that knows my girl sent me a long message today morning asking me to stop acting like a huge prick. Strange times. Her message was an immense overreaction.

People go around bars saying that to people sometimes, hazy eyed thicko weird guys that seem like macho gays.

You know you could, like, talk to her, right?

fwiw this particular girl was sitting next to her boyfriend, and he was one of the people talking a lot. He's a nice and chill guy btw, but it would be awkward. Actually, sometimes I think I stare more at people that I know are unavailable because it feels safe, provided I'm not in a bar where her male protector may kick my ass.
fwiw this particular girl was sitting next to her boyfriend, and he was one of the people talking a lot. He's a nice and chill guy btw, but it would be awkward. Actually, sometimes I think I stare more at people that I know are unavailable because it feels safe, provided I'm not in a bar where her male protector may kick my ass.

Let's go have a drink together some time and destroy the fucking bar with our staring.
I full on watch people in bars (and elsewhere) and I've never had anyone confront me like that.

I've had people come and talk to me, but that's it.

Either people in the UK are nicer, or you need to look less vulnerable. Wear a longer skirt, made of plate steel.
I full on watch people in bars (and elsewhere) and I've never had anyone confront me like that.

I've had people come and talk to me, but that's it.

Either people in the UK are nicer, or you need to look less vulnerable. Wear a longer skirt, made of plate steel.

I only had someone say it to me once.
EDIT: I just searched for my posts in this thread because I thought I may have actually noticed that before and just forgotten, and realized I have 210 posts in this thread. How in the fuck does a loser kissless virgin make 210 posts in a thread like this? I'm disgusted with myself. I know I talk about masturbation and stuff a lot but I didn't realize it was that much.

Kissless, or kithless?
today is mine and my girlfriend's four year anniversary. I bought her the Complete Works of Calvin & Hobbes. For dinner tonight she asked me to cook some steaks and get some good beers. I love that woman. Tomorrow for Valentine's Day we have whale watching tickets and reservations at a wine bar in LA for dinner. Should be nice
I'm going into Chicago to meet some bros and we are going to terrorize Ukrainian Village and Wicker Park area. Hitting up some cool brewpubs too (Haymarket Brewery, Revolution Brewery, Goose Island, Local Option)
I'm going into Chicago to meet some bros and we are going to terrorize Ukrainian Village and Wicker Park area. Hitting up some cool brewpubs too (Haymarket Brewery, Revolution Brewery, Goose Island, Local Option)
These are hipster areas, bordering on yuppie in the case of Wicker Park. But you should have a decent time at these joints. When I went to Revolution I was really disappointed because almost everything on tap was already available at retail and other bars around town. Goose Island's brewpubs have some cool beers, but they are crazy overpriced and very yuppie.

My city picks for beer are Map Room, Hopleaf, and Half Acre/Bad Apple. You're certainly going to get more social activity where you're going. Map Room is close enough to WP/Ukie Village, so make it over there. It's the OG craft beer bar in the city.

Go to Kuma's if you haven't been.
Been to Kumas plenty of times. Hitting up Lockdown this time. I think I prefer it and I have a crush on the waitress there. I'll look into the Map Room. I wanted to hit up Small Bar, but I guess the one in that area shut down last year.

I am well aware that it is a hipster area. Nothing really wrong with that. I mean, it's fucking beer culture. I am prepared to see hipsters. In fact, I prefer talking to hipsters at cool pubs than anything else.

I always forget you live in Chicago, do I ever see you at any shows at Reggies or anything?
Lockdown is Kuma's adjace. It supposedly has former cooks/chefs. It's good, but I only go on the half price burger night. There are a couple Small Bars; nothing special.

Bad Apple has an excellent beer list, and very good gourmet burgers and sandwiches at cheaper prices than in the trendy ares. Half Acre brewery is across the street and their tap room is also a very affordable place to drink.

I'm sure we've been in the same place for some things. Weren't you at the Metal Haven farewell?
Yeah, that was a fucking long time ago haha. My last show was probably Manilla Road and Raven at Reggies. Not sure what I'll be seeing next. We should hang out sometime though. I can probably get Zephyrus to meet up as well. We aren't creepers and won't molest you or anything.
Well, we're sure emphasizing the "Males" part of this thread. The next show I'm going to is Swans. Not at all familiar with the venue or area in that case.

Reggie's is one of the best venues in the city in terms of sound and price, but the neighborhood is kind of gross at night. Used to be you could drink beers in the alley in back of Reggie's until the good bands went on, but now there are either junkies back there or the staff makes you drink in back of the post office instead.
I made a booboo tonight and drunkenly messaged my ex who I was hoping was mature enough to be friends with me again but I actually doubt it.

Didn't say anything important but said being friends would be nice. Doubt she will respond nicely though if at all. Oh well EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES LOL
Well, we're sure emphasizing the "Males" part of this thread. The next show I'm going to is Swans. Not at all familiar with the venue or area in that case.

Reggie's is one of the best venues in the city in terms of sound and price, but the neighborhood is kind of gross at night. Used to be you could drink beers in the alley in back of Reggie's until the good bands went on, but now there are either junkies back there or the staff makes you drink in back of the post office instead.

I know I've seen Zeph's girlfriend. She gets around town.

Yeah, I really like Reggies as well. Where else can I get $3 tall boys of Colt 45? I can usually get a pint of Zombie Dust there as well which is always great.
Map Room is my favorite beer joint in that area. Perhaps we can all meet up there in the not too distant future.

Also, Happy Valentines Day!

I just want three things: a man that is sensitive, has some ambition, and is able to carry on a conversation once in awhile. Apparently that's asking a lot. :lol:
Being sensitive and having ambition are two traits that appear to be increasingly disconnected. Having ambition and a job also appears to be increasingly disconnected. It's easier to talk about what one is "going to do".