Males and Females

I'm pretty sure I have no ambition. Working 60 hours a week fucks that. My life revolves around waiting for music in the mail and getting drunk because everything else sucks cunt.
Dak, i see what you did there. But I mean I just think it's basic though. Be nice, work (or work towards something if you don't) and talk once in awhile . What is the world coming to if this is not the norm?

People don't have to like be the president or any thing. Theres nothing wrong with having a job and living modestly. That's what I do. I only think it's ridiculous when people just refuse to work or,like, do something. Surely parent's hospitality runs thin? My mom kicked me out at 18 because I didn't have a job... Different strokes I suppose.

Edit: agreed with Kafkax: music alochol and cunts. Life is grand.
Dak, i see what you did there. But I mean I just think it's basic though. Be nice, work (or work towards something if you don't) and talk once in awhile . What is the world coming to if this is not the norm?

People don't have to like be the president or any thing. Theres nothing wrong with having a job and living modestly. That's what I do. I only think it's ridiculous when people just refuse to work or,like, do something. Surely parent's hospitality runs thin? My mom kicked me out at 18 because I didn't have a job... Different strokes I suppose.

Incentives incentives incentives. You think it's bad here, look at Japan. The system incentivizes the behavior it is getting, whether intentional or not. The results of easy money and and the elevation of consumption.
I only think it's ridiculous when people just refuse to work or,like, do something. Surely parent's hospitality runs thin? My mom kicked me out at 18 because I didn't have a job... Different strokes I suppose.

I went through a stretch of doing basically nothing due to crippling depression and anxiety. I wouldn't have expected anyone to date me, though, and I never saw that as a sustainable lifestyle. I suspect there are a lot of people in a similar situation, although there are probably some who are just really really lazy.
Yes, there clearly needs to be some balance. People aren't just tax paying machines or consumption machines. Free time and socialization are also important to develop hobbies and have meaningful relationships, but you also have to live and unfortunately it's difficult to do so without some income (if i understood what you said).

Waif: and I get that and sympathize with people like that as I too suffer from anxiety and extreme shyness. But if that's the case yeah, absolutely get the help you need first before anything( like finding a job and getting into a relationship). It's just not fair to think someone else can solve all the issues.
You're not the only woman complaining about the difficulty of finding a single* guy that is striving towards his goals/working and also has a reasonable measure of social skills. It's a pretty common complaint. Might need to start looking for those guys that lack some social skills. Plenty of lonely male geeks wishing some woman would connect with them. Just gotta get to where you feel comfortable telling them they should shower more often :tickled:
You're not the only woman complaining about the difficulty of finding a single* guy that is striving towards his goals/working and also has a reasonable measure of social skills. It's a pretty common complaint. Might need to start looking for those guys that lack some social skills. Plenty of lonely male geeks wishing some woman would connect with them. Just gotta get to where you feel comfortable telling them they should shower more often :tickled:

Truth. I plan on getting more social once I can get a new job with a shorter commute, but working 8.5 hours a day and commuting another 2.5 leaves little time and patience.

That being said, I also find an absolute disconnect in being social to meet a chick who wants to be anti-social together. While many relationships degenerate to being homebodies, I would genuinely like to find someone who wants to be homebodies together. I've given up on finding the ideal woman who is into metal and gaming and whatnot and settled to "doesn't hate hearing metal and likes being a homebody and animals/crafts/cooking or whatever other random homebody shit people do" type of person. I don't want to play myself up as being this super exciting renaissance man that most women want and then pull the rug out from under her and make her miserable with my boring homebody ass. It's disingenuous and setting a relationship up to fail. (For the record I don't think I'm boring at all, I think I'm awesome but its a matter of perspective particularly introvert vs extrovert, etc.)

But no fatties- this is where the plan keeps falling apart regardless of the work/commute dilemma...
I shower and apply deodorant and stuff, but my toenails reveal the truth. Every time a girl smiles at me I'm reminded to clip them, maybe twice a year.
I just puked a little in my mouth.

Thats the fucking worse. Even I wont go that low, as to keep unkept toenails.

fwiw I do clean them. I just don't clip them very often. I actually really like having long fingernails because they help me type, and I remember as a kid my brothers' friends' moms would say how they wished their daughters had my fingernails, but those get exposed to public so I clip them once every few weeks now.
I can't stand if my toenails are long at all, they hook on my socks and every other fucking thing and I scratch my wife and they feel horrible. So I keep them trimmed super short.
Help you type?

What the fuck kind of bullshit logic is this? Use your god damn index fingertips like a man when you type.

Seriously though, people, well, men with long fingernails creep me the fuck out. I was talking to my roommate the other day and he was helping me with something and I saw his long ass, nicely kept however, fingernails and I literally had to walk out of the room.

Same thing when I hear himself scratch, makes me want to punch him in the face.

Seriously, cut your fucking nails. Takes less than a minute a month.
The nails are long enough that I can place the flesh of my fingers towards the top of a key, then rock my fingers forwards a little so that my tips press the row ahead, while my fingers still remain seated. Also, when I want to be more cautious, they provide support like a prop, which helps me with accuracy.

And scratching yourself with nails is SO much more satisfying than without, don't be a hater.

You mean yours aren't already getting longish after just two weeks? If I went a month I'd get comments all the time. It takes me probably closer to 1 minute for just a single nail, btw, but I probably have undiagnosed Asperger's and I'm someone that couldn't tie his own shoes until 5th grade.
1 minute per nail? God damn dude theyre nails...Id hate to think of how much time you spend manicuring and sculpting your pubic hair.....

And while I agree scratching an itch with a long finger nail is more satisfying, it's the sound that literally makes my skin crawl.

Similar to nails on a scratch board to my ears.
Help you type?

What the fuck kind of bullshit logic is this? Use your god damn index fingertips like a man when you type.

Seriously though, people, well, men with long fingernails creep me the fuck out. I was talking to my roommate the other day and he was helping me with something and I saw his long ass, nicely kept however, fingernails and I literally had to walk out of the room.

Same thing when I hear himself scratch, makes me want to punch him in the face.

Seriously, cut your fucking nails. Takes less than a minute a month.

I keep 3 right fingernails and thumbnail longish, for guitar playing purposes. I only cut em if I go bouldering.