Males and Females

Girlfriend came up for the weekend. Now I'm back to whoring around. Got a date on Saturday that I'm pretty sure will get me laid. About to go bang another chick and then hit the gym. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
So I ended up meeting the girl I posted about a few pages back, spent the night with her at a hotel and now we're dating. Despite what I said before, I'm becoming very enthusiastic about her. The polyamory situation is kind of an odd dynamic to get used to but I'm very impressed by my ability to control my jealousy so far. However, we've been fighting a little, but mostly over stupid shit regarding us misunderstanding each other during conversations (similar to what happened with the first thing I posted about her).

Also, somehow we got on the subject of black metal and Varg Vikernes. She looked him up and now she's obsessed with the man, constantly sending me quotes by him that she finds amusing. We have next to nothing in common music taste wise so I was shocked by her sudden fascination. Now she's been asking for information about the history of metal in general. Very unexpected but I don't detect that she's faking it or just trying to impress me. Small matter of course but still a perk.
I don't have more beers. I'm a fucking loser. Nothing I can do. No beers to fuck up with my body and piss away like a king of kings. Only the moon and the stars outside and the smell of my penile conformation. It gets hurt!!! It does.

Sweden's Prostitution Solution

In order to see prostitutes as victims of male coercion and violence it requires that a government first switch from seeing prostitution from the male point of view to the female point of view. And most, if not virtually all, countries of the world still see prostitution and every other issue from a predominantly male point of view. ... In 1999, when Sweden passed its groundbreaking prostitution legislation, the Swedish Parliament was composed of nearly 50% women.
I met a dude the other night, we hung out all night and really hit it off. The next day I was chatting with the friend that linked us up and I was then informed his divorce was finalized that same day.
He told me to hit him up the next night, so I did, and no response. Men confuse me. Not surprised a very recently divorced man isn't responding. But why not keep it real and just tell me what's up...
zabu of nΩd;10977473 said:

It's a stupid law. Not every john is a criminal. If a man purchases sex from a woman voluntarily selling it, and treats her kindly, respects her boundaries, and has great hygiene, the government should stay the fuck out of it and mind their own business.

Prostitution works just fine in highly developed European economies like Germany and Switzerland. I was at a sex club in Zurich last December and it was an extremely safe, classy establishment. All the clientele were upstanding members of society, successful businessmen and bankers, well-mannered, making jokes with the girls, hugging them, taking them up to the room, and the girl comes out an hour later, rejoins her friends smiling, with a couple hundred more euros to support her family back in her home country. Instead of making shit pay cleaning or waitressing.

Fuck Sweden. And fuck the USA even more