Males and Females

My one. She's quite good at selfies it seems, even though she avoids all social networks.

I wrote an essay on why prostitution should be legal in middle school and stand by it. Legalization= less STD's due to rigidly established hygiene measures, more protection and acceptance for these women (and sometimes men) if they get a violent john, and less shame for what boils down to a more straight forward bar dating. I can't fathom the problem with prostitution whatsoever.
she's gorgeous Onder holy shit

can i meet her when i go there in january
Onder may have to knock me out to stop me

i'll be like a ravenous licker from resident evil
It's a stupid law. Not every john is a criminal. If a man purchases sex from a woman voluntarily selling it, and treats her kindly, respects her boundaries, and has great hygiene, the government should stay the fuck out of it and mind their own business.

I can't fathom the problem with prostitution whatsoever.

Prostitution can be seen as exploitation even if the women aren't overtly forced into it by pimps or human traffickers, because many of them are in the business because of poverty, drug addiction, or past sexual abuse.

The article I posted references a survey of prostitutes in the Netherlands that showed 79% of the women wanted to get out of the business. It's obviously not good for your emotional health to have meaningless sex with thousands of people you'd never touch if they weren't paying you. Most prostitutes would probably prefer a typical monogamous relationship, and it's a lot harder to have that when you're in a business that requires you to routinely practice unhealthy behavior toward the opposite sex. When you're only consenting to sex because you're economically coerced by your job, it's not genuine consent.

Another quote I came across:

"It is impossible to use a human body in the way women's bodies are used in prostitution and to have a whole human being at the end of it, or in the middle of it. And no woman gets whole again afterward."
zabu of nΩd;10979394 said:
"It is impossible to use a human body in the way women's bodies are used in prostitution and to have a whole human being at the end of it, or in the middle of it. And no woman gets whole again afterward."

I assume that was translated from Arabic.
zabu of nΩd;10979394 said:
Prostitution can be seen as exploitation even if the women aren't overtly forced into it by pimps or human traffickers, because many of them are in the business because of poverty, drug addiction, or past sexual abuse.

The article I posted references a survey of prostitutes in the Netherlands that showed 79% of the women wanted to get out of the business. It's obviously not good for your emotional health to have meaningless sex with thousands of people you'd never touch if they weren't paying you. Most prostitutes would probably prefer a typical monogamous relationship, and it's a lot harder to have that when you're in a business that requires you to routinely practice unhealthy behavior toward the opposite sex. When you're only consenting to sex because you're economically coerced by your job, it's not genuine consent.

Another quote I came across:

"It is impossible to use a human body in the way women's bodies are used in prostitution and to have a whole human being at the end of it, or in the middle of it. And no woman gets whole again afterward."

not all of them are poor, addicted to drugs or abused, many are just trying to make a better life for themselves. i've met highly intelligent, emotionally stable girls putting themselves through med school or law school and this is the most lucrative way to do it, in today's shitty job market.

of course it's not an ideal way to live and they'd rather do something else. and many of them are free to stop and scrub toilets or wash dishes or be a receptionist for $8-12/hr whenever they want. that's not the problem of the completely normal, non-abusive gentleman who just wants to unload his nuts after a stressful day at the office.

bottom line: absolutely 100% lock up the pimps, traffickers, pedophiles and violent abusers. rescue the women who want out. fuck yea i'm all for that. but leave the consenting adults alone.
Yeah, I doubt all these prostitutes do the job because it's the last thing they could do for a living.

Sometimes when I feel stressed out with work and stuff I wonder I could be a male prostitute and get paid to fuck and relax at the same time. Too bad male prostitution is not a common thing yet.
Too bad male prostitution is not a common thing yet.

I heard that male escorts are quite big in Germany and some guy from village nearby does this for living. He goes to Germany for a week and after 4-5 those trips, he shows up in a new BMW. He "works" mostly for managers and high class people generally.

Now that I think of it, you were probably talking about straight male prostitution.