Males and Females

I've read stories of women that take pity on socially-awkward virgin men and have sex with them in hopes of finding a dude that will stay loyal, only once the men get their first taste they realize what they've been missing out and quickly dump her for the next girl. That's probably in my top 10 of things that make me afraid to have sex.

Well, to be fair, despite all of your fantasizing it isn't like the opportunities just keep piling on for you anyways.
I've read stories of women that take pity on socially-awkward virgin men and have sex with them in hopes of finding a dude that will stay loyal, only once the men get their first taste they realize what they've been missing out and quickly dump her for the next girl. That's probably in my top 10 of things that make me afraid to have sex.

Could you compile a list of the top 10 please?
The part that implicates me as a fuck-minded beast and incapable of being content once I have a good thing.

Well, you'll never be content to the fullest extent of the word anyhow, so there's no use dwelling on that. Besides, you don't cross me as the type who would separate the relationship aspect that sex entails quite so easily as others may from its relationship with sex itself. Not all of us crave only sex itself and perceive a relationship (however lasting or transient that relationship may be) as a means to sex and a device to achieve better or different sex in the future.
I get sick of extent to which women change their minds, despite how much it fucks over other people. It shouldn't be socially acceptable and I don't mean no meaning no, I mean getting someone to go somewhere and then no replying to messages. The social emphasis should be haha loser guy it should be, cunt girl, who is she, lets shitlist her.
In my experience... And maybe other folk in long term relationships can get on board with this, maybe not... But relationships are at least 30% CHOOSING commitment and love. Sure there's new and exciting, maybe even more attractive, pussy and dick out there. But you kinda just balance things out and figure alright, this person has been pretty awesome, with no awful surprises. Why risk losing them over a grass-is-greener mentality?

I think a lot of people have a fairy tale idea that happy couples get butterflies every time they look at each other or something. You kinda just choose a person who has stood out from the masses, follow the rules of loyalty and respect, and seriously grow into a happier person because of it.

Just my ten cents. My boss was bitching about being single and how she wants a dude who always makes her feel giddy. I learned that giddiness is due to constant uncertainty a long time ago, shocked that at age 40 she still hasn't.
I mean after having been with my GF for 4 years, she still makes me smile and feel stupid and junk. But yeah if you're expecting the honeymoon phase to last forever, that person will be sorely disappointed. I've walked away from past relationships thinking the grass would be greener, and I didn't even get to feel the turf :( Live and learn
Sometimes the grass is greener. I've stayed in a relationship for too long out of fear, and that's no good either. Rule of thumb: dump your first serious SO. There's no way you got it right on the first try.
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