Males and Females

DA, who cares if it was wrong. If you don't feel guilty who gives a shit. MORALS ARE FOR SUCKERS!

WAIF, you should egg that guy on until he actually commits suicide. Nothing is more fun than toying with weak people. I regret not encouraging the "suicidal" dude I dated at 17 to go for it and drive his car off the bridge.
Talked with the lady, she said she doesn't want to just cut him off because it'll hurt him, and that she'd rather let it escalate a bit more so that she has no choice. I think this is retarded, weak, and womanly, but I don't really care.
I think I would go with the 5 2's. First off, its a great story, 5 nasty bitches at once. Plus, fucking the 10 would be a challenge. Its fair to assume that the 10 has been dicked at least a couple of time, more than likely by dudes that are either 10's themselves or have 10 inch dicks. Im not about ready to compete with those kinda stats. With the 2's, there are enough people to do some interesting things in the bedroom. Since they are ugly fat bitches, they wont have a problem with me eating during sex. Even better, I could have one go make me some pizza rolls or something and still be fucking 4 women.

This is the best thing I've read in a while.
I think I would go with the 5 2's. First off, its a great story, 5 nasty bitches at once. Plus, fucking the 10 would be a challenge. Its fair to assume that the 10 has been dicked at least a couple of time, more than likely by dudes that are either 10's themselves or have 10 inch dicks. Im not about ready to compete with those kinda stats. With the 2's, there are enough people to do some interesting things in the bedroom. Since they are ugly fat bitches, they wont have a problem with me eating during sex. Even better, I could have one go make me some pizza rolls or something and still be fucking 4 women.

fucking :lol:

Some guy is hitting on my girlfriend over facebook. He's really creepy. She's the only friend he has on there and he writes incredibly long messages all over everything. Talks about how beautiful she is, how he'd be a better boyfriend than me, how he's thinking of killing himself, what a dick I am, and loads of unnecessary details about his life and how he plans on decorating his new apartment and shit. Neither I nor my gf have met the guy in person ever...what level of excessively-macho response is called for?

I did tell my gf that he's a creepy asshole and I'd prefer if she didn't talk to him, but I'm not gonna try to forbid her to talk to him or anything. She talks to him because she feels bad for him.

It has already been suggested that I burn his house down, kill his family, and rape him while he tries to hold back the tears. As much as I like that option, I don't want to pay for the bus ride out to where he lives.

:lol: Shoop his FB pics to make them look like he's fucking farm animals.
LOL I wasn't in it. He called me at like 3 am when I was sleeping and said "I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LIVE FOR I MIGHT DRIVE MY CAR OFF THE BRIDGE TONIGHT." Luckily for him I cheated on him with a kid at Korean camp. He went from "poor me" to "YOU WORTHLESS WHOREBAG" and we were done. Best decision I've ever made, that was. Menfolk don't EVER let your daughters get fat because when they lose weight suddenly in their teenage years they will have low/confused standards for the men they date and will bring home awful scummy shitbags.

DA I wouldn't feel guilty either. If someone is dumb enough to cheat, you can always conspire with their s/o to destroy them. WAHAHAHA! Just be careful he doesn't have access to guns/find out. You don't want her fessin' up in a moment of truth.

WAIF - No offense bro but MSLF must have the lowest self esteem on earth to allow such bullshit to go on with crazy dude at her age. She should be allowing it to escalate out of sadistic bad intentions/spite, not because she is afraid of hurting his feelings.
It is what it sounds like. Summer camp for Korean adoptee kids. We learned about Korean shit, had identity-crisis support and discussion, and had breakdancing and glowstick competitions at the camp dances. Ate lots of kimchi and made out with everyone.
DA I wouldn't feel guilty either. If someone is dumb enough to cheat, you can always conspire with their s/o to destroy them. WAHAHAHA! Just be careful he doesn't have access to guns/find out. You don't want her fessin' up in a moment of truth.

He'll find out, it's inevitable.

I'm not quite sure why, but I've always lived by the wish mentality. Meaning, I wish someone would cheat on me so I could find out. I wish I could catch someone in the act of destroying my property (as we've discussed before). I wish for all kinds of bad things to happen to me while I'm able to retaliate, for reasons unknown. Luckily (I guess), most of the people I know think I'm crazy and wouldn't try to screw me over, but sometimes I relish the idea.
LOL I wasn't in it. He called me at like 3 am when I was sleeping and said "I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LIVE FOR I MIGHT DRIVE MY CAR OFF THE BRIDGE TONIGHT." Luckily for him I cheated on him with a kid at Korean camp. He went from "poor me" to "YOU WORTHLESS WHOREBAG" and we were done. Best decision I've ever made, that was. Menfolk don't EVER let your daughters get fat because when they lose weight suddenly in their teenage years they will have low/confused standards for the men they date and will bring home awful scummy shitbags.

Dude sounds like a loser. Also, great timing (it's almost comedic) on flaunting your promiscuity when he is threatening suicide. You called his bullshit though, so it worked.

Also, how much starcraft did you play at Korean camp?
He'll find out, it's inevitable.

I'm not quite sure why, but I've always lived by the wish mentality. Meaning, I wish someone would cheat on me so I could find out. I wish I could catch someone in the act of destroying my property (as we've discussed before). I wish for all kinds of bad things to happen to me while I'm able to retaliate, for reasons unknown. Luckily (I guess), most of the people I know think I'm crazy and wouldn't try to screw me over, but sometimes I relish the idea.

I wish a zombie apocalypse would happen so I could drive around with strangers killing zombies and looting stores.
No Starcraft at Korean camp - remember it's Korean adoptees, not Korean-Koreans. There were many highlights.

Yeah DA I'm good like that. He was an incredibly lame loser who wrote this terrible angsty poetry inspired by Amy fucking Lee and Evafuckingnescence and thought it made him look deep. He was kind of overweight and he was insane and depressed. To my credit, I was 17 and had been normal-sized/in the dating pool for less than a year and had no standards. Oh and the best part of it all (aside from the fact that we met at laser tag) was, he was with someone when we met and he dumped her for me.

Ugh. I have the most embarrassing/awful dating history. I try not to count anything before fall 2004 or between spring and summer 2006. Those were some dark times. Another highlight from the high school days was dating this white trash kid who picked me up using a pickup line involving Chinese food. I am so lucky I didn't catch any STDs with this guy as it turned out he was having unprotected sex with his ex the whole time we were "dating."

OK now that I've quantified myself as garbage, anyone else have any sad/pathetic/wish they could forget it stories to share?
Pretty much all of my dating experiences were disasters, but I'd rather not forget them because I learned from them. All I really learned is what I don't want in a girl, though.
Yeah DA I'm good like that. He was an incredibly lame loser who wrote this terrible angsty poetry inspired by Amy fucking Lee and Evafuckingnescence and thought it made him look deep. He was kind of overweight and he was insane and depressed. To my credit, I was 17 and had been normal-sized/in the dating pool for less than a year and had no standards. Oh and the best part of it all (aside from the fact that we met at laser tag) was, he was with someone when we met and he dumped her for me.

Met at laser tag, perhaps that should have been your first clue? Fuck, some teenagers can be so overdramatic with the woe is me shit. It's just thinly veiled narcissism that needs to be recognized for what it is and cast off asap.

Ugh. I have the most embarrassing/awful dating history. I try not to count anything before fall 2004 or between spring and summer 2006. Those were some dark times. Another highlight from the high school days was dating this white trash kid who picked me up using a pickup line involving Chinese food. I am so lucky I didn't catch any STDs with this guy as it turned out he was having unprotected sex with his ex the whole time we were "dating."

That's pretty bad. I did have a stalker in high school, which was pretty fucking creepy. She used to follow me around school, call my house randomly and never say anything into the phone (all I ever heard was heavy breathing). Eventually she found out that I worked in the local grocery store and started stalking me there too. I was getting pretty fed up with it so one day when she gave me a valentine card I threw it into the trash right in front of her and told her off.

The fucked thing is I got called into the student counsellor's office a few days later and she accused me of mistreating her. The gall. Luckily this was toward the end of grade 12 so when I graduated I never heard from her again.
I had a guy sexually harass me while I was tutoring him on campus. He then proceeded to follow me as I told him that I was leaving. Hell, I hid in my bosses building for ten minutes (I figured he would leave), so I walk out to take a gander and see if everything was safe... I got fucking ambushed! He followed me for another 6 or 7 minutes until I finally was able to tell him to fuck off in front of a group of people.