Males and Females

I encourage this sort of attitude. It has worked for me in a variety of contexts and applications.

What? narcissism?

If you pay attention to what he's saying it has to be the most self involved, unaware way of thinking about getting "out there." Instead of saying "hey let me work on my personality, social skills and overall character" it's "let me work out, yeah that'll do it, then I can be as picky as I want and not have to learn from people, adapt and use my brain."
What? narcissism?

If you pay attention to what he's saying it has to be the most self involved, unaware way of thinking about getting "out there." Instead of saying "hey let me work on my personality, social skills and overall character" it's "let me work out, yeah that'll do it, then I can be as picky as I want and not have to learn from people, adapt and use my brain."

I figure I can physically be more appealing to get past that shitty first impression phase then the deeper or more sincere conversations come about and I'm the man there. Something about the first impression phase just feels fucking cheap and in-genuine. No one is talking about anything that actually interests them and it just trying to flaunt or seem different than they are. Its both awkward and incredibly boring.

Even past the first impression phase- You know how many guys are after the few petite gamer girls/non-mutilated metalhead ladies are out there? Especially over 25? The ones that aren't already married or blown up like a fucking balloon? They're holding all the cards and rightfully so- they're able to be even pickier. You need to differentiate yourself from all these other out of shape geeks to at least get close to an even footing.
6'1" and 170lbs hardly sounds like terrible shape anyways. Unless you carry it really oddly or have a hideous face, I can't imagine it's your body that fucks over your first impressions.
What? narcissism?

If you pay attention to what he's saying it has to be the most self involved, unaware way of thinking about getting "out there." Instead of saying "hey let me work on my personality, social skills and overall character" it's "let me work out, yeah that'll do it, then I can be as picky as I want and not have to learn from people, adapt and use my brain."

Hardly. Since this is within the context of males and females, and iirc women rated 80% of men as unattractive, it's in his interest to jump into that 20%. I also meant more broadly that self improvement is a much better tack than just whining about how everyone else needs to be more understanding.
Eh. Within context of my body type it's a bit much. I was 140 lbs 12 years ago when I graduated HS.

I have a brother that's 145lbs and 6'2" and he's lanky as fuck. High school graduation bodytype is not an ideal unless you're hoping to be a bottom for some closet-pedo faggot that likes young boys.
I am 5'11, 210 lbs or so. Lotta muscle but I have to drop some weight also. Luckily I apparently have attractive facial features so that helps out a lot.
I don't completely agree with you guys but fair enough I guess.

I think women only care about looks as long as that's all you have. Having a good personality and being "cool" (according to a woman) goes much further imho
That time of the month to post our heights and weights again?

:lol: It never fails.

5'11, 130lbs

inb4 somebody points out how skinny that must be and somebody who has met me confirms my size.

I'm actually quite proud. I've never weighed 130lbs before. Perhaps ironically, I started gaining weight when I began running again after winter. I could gain weight if I started lifting, but lifting is pretty unappealing to me. Also, I would be pretty embarrassed about going to the gym and attempting to lift weights with my sticks.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember your svelte, tender body from a photo you posted. Built like Mister Fantastic. I'm the same weight but 5'7". I think I actually have a somewhat stocky skeleton inherited from my Opa, but I don't eat enough to live up to it. I'm just a dumb rectangle.
:lol: It never fails.

5'11, 130lbs

inb4 somebody points out how skinny that must be and somebody who has met me confirms my size.

I'm actually quite proud. I've never weighed 130lbs before. Perhaps ironically, I started gaining weight when I began running again after winter. I could gain weight if I started lifting, but lifting is pretty unappealing to me. Also, I would be pretty embarrassed about going to the gym and attempting to lift weights with my sticks.

Don't you get attitude from bros?
Between the stress of my senior year load and beer/football season I packed on too many pounds. Decided to shed them a couple of months ago. Dropped 26ish pounds so far. Back down to my USMC size if not quite the composition.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember your svelte, tender body from a photo you posted. Built like Mister Fantastic. I'm the same weight but 5'7". I think I actually have a somewhat stocky skeleton inherited from my Opa, but I don't eat enough to live up to it. I'm just a dumb rectangle.

HB, we're build buddies. Same stats here, although 130 is my max.

Fuck yeah thyroid problems.
6'4 240. I gained about 15 pounds last semester from stress eating frozen pizza. Back in the gym looking to turn it all into muscle.