Males and Females

Shit Jeremy I'm really sorry to hear that. I really liked you two together, but it is what it is. At least the friendship is still there. I think it's good to be in a good and satisfying relationship. Helps you to know what to look for in the future.

So after 2 1/2 years, my girlfriend and I have mutually, civilly, and definitively agreed to end our relationship.

As for moving on, I'm not the type to lose interest in women or pursuing other relationships right after a breakup. The best way to move on is to get with someone else, so I'll be on the lookout for opportunities as they come along. I'll continue to frequent the local bars, and I'm brushing the mothballs off my OKC account.

Some girl kept cock teasing me with the prospect of travelling quite far to go and see her and "stay the night". Anyway she kept changing her mind and then saying maybe in a few weeks, now it isn't going to happen. Blue balled.

I have a bit of a social circle here again now, including women.

It's a terrible decision to give in and allow part of your personhood to be fulfilled by another human being. It's like a deer standing and waiting for a hunter scope or something. Don't do it. Be all the man you are, women can come and go. They're pretty cruel creatures really, they want to be wanted and most of their mental wiring is about baby production, little of it is about construction of society or tools.
Some girl kept cock teasing me with the prospect of travelling quite far to go and see her and "stay the night". Anyway she kept changing her mind and then saying maybe in a few weeks, now it isn't going to happen. Blue balled.

I have a bit of a social circle here again now, including women.

It's a terrible decision to give in and allow part of your personhood to be fulfilled by another human being. It's like a deer standing and waiting for a hunter scope or something. Don't do it. Be all the man you are, women can come and go. They're pretty cruel creatures really, they want to be wanted and most of their mental wiring is about baby production, little of it is about construction of society or tools.

:lol: man....
Just curious ,honestly, does this apply to women who aren't interested in children?
Yes because their subconscious is another matter. They'll probably sub-(some word) that desire with some other thing, like become a cat lady or mother a younger man or something.
Women are also wired for keeping social dynamics functional and stable, whereas men do more of the physical stuff.

But it's not like it's a complete binary. Human males are peculiar among apes for having such strong childcare tendencies. And women have every bit of the reasoning faculties men do, they're just more socially calibrated.
Louis Ck did a great bit about men wanting sex as a subconscious need for babies, wish I could find the clip.

Also I wrote a riveting paper in sixth grade about how I'd never be a mother unless I could send them to boarding school or they proved their worth as offspring by surviving alone in the wilderness after learning to walk.

But like... multiple shrinks and a fucked up life so maybe most women are as you say. FD and me though, we are evolved, learn-ed females who focus our primal energies on more important things.
In this book called Eve's Seed, it's proposed that men that obsess over sex with as many women as possible are compensating for their lack of self-worth. Men evolved for hunting and protecting for a long time, then civilization suddenly made both of those things pretty much useless, while women's "role" of reproducing and keeping the social network together either stayed in the same place or rose in importance. So men that are trying to have sex with the most women possible are going down to the most basic biological gratification as a way of saying, "I fuck, so I have a worth as a living thing."
That's an "interesting" position given the basis for civilization is being around for the long term and fucking around is a short term strategy.It also, of course, ignores female hypergamy.
Hey Mathias I have a question: how often do the men you fuck cum from the experience, in the absence of manual penile stimulation? The reason I ask is because more and more I realize that my best fap sessions involve having an extra pillow rubbing up against/applying pressure to my general taint/sac/inner-penis region, but I've never taken the step to anally penetrate myself and try a formal prostate massage. Not sure I ever will even still, but just curious.
Hey Mathias I have a question: how often do the men you fuck cum from the experience, in the absence of manual penile stimulation? The reason I ask is because more and more I realize that my best fap sessions involve having an extra pillow rubbing up against/applying pressure to my general taint/sac/inner-penis region, but I've never taken the step to anally penetrate myself and try a formal prostate massage. Not sure I ever will even still, but just curious.

Are you asking if they cum without jacking off during? I've been with one who was able to do that, but most either wait till I finish or jack off while getting fucked. The best bottoms in my experience like getting penetrated enough that they wait to cum after I've finished. Most men aren't able to do that though.

I don't see why you wouldn't try it at least. Tons of straight men enjoy anal stimulation.