Males and Females

Maybe I'm fucked up but I just have a vision of the one pic you posted bent over an asshole with a spoon going 'Oh man, yum, fucking YUMMY!' lips smacking 'This is such tasty ass, wow! So good! More butthole, please!'

And then arg jumps in wearing a fucking bib holding a spork.

You're fucked up. You're a bad man for making me think that.
Dined at the lady buffet for the first time in quite a while last week. Reminded me how big a difference in meal quality there is when vegetation is on the menu. Blech. I pleased the owner of course, with my enthusiastic hunger, however won't be going back to that particular establishment.
Pubes haven't been bothering me, probably cause they don't get in my mouth. Giving oral's more fun than I thought.
Maybe I'm fucked up but I just have a vision of the one pic you posted bent over an asshole with a spoon going 'Oh man, yum, fucking YUMMY!' lips smacking 'This is such tasty ass, wow! So good! More butthole, please!'

And then arg jumps in wearing a fucking bib holding a spork.

You're fucked up. You're a bad man for making me think that.

you've ruined it


I'm just going to add that I find the butt at the top of the page highly aesthetically pleasing. I actually saw a slightly older woman jogging around the neighborhood today in tights with some of the most amazing legs I've ever seen. Goodnight, time to fap.

So after 2 1/2 years, my girlfriend and I have mutually, civilly, and definitively agreed to end our relationship.

It was my longest and most fulfilling relationship. My partner was the most attractive, intelligent, and compatible of anyone I've dated thus far. She helped me grow as a human being, and if anyone remembers my severe bout of depression back in 2012, this relationship is what brought me out of it. I was especially blest to be dating someone who had nearly identical tastes in music as I had, and Metal was an integral component of our relationship. Many of our fondest memories involved attending shows together.

I will never regret the time I spent developing our relationship, and after an as yet undefined period of transition, I trust I can count her as a close friend (and she very much wishes the same). It wouldn't be the first time an ex became a bestie.

The majority of our relationship was long-distance. It used to be between Iowa and Maine, but in the past year was only a 4-hour drive between Iowa City and Chicago, making it possible to visit every other weekend or so. For a long time the long-distance was a boon to our relationship, since it made the times we were together more valuable. Plus it was more manageable for someone like me who is often very busy with grad school.

But at some point, the distance became a problem. While I could talk on the phone and message on FB, I simply could not be physically there enough to help her through many of the challenges life presented her when she moved from the country (i.e. northern Maine) to the big city. I was also beginning to have some trust issues as she developed a social life in Chicago that I was pretty much excluded from and was populated by men who valued her as little more than a potential slam-piece. She was always faithful, though, and there's enough evidence to confirm my belief in that.

As time went on our intimacy declined, and our differences became increasingly apparent. She's very smart and witty, but her intelligence is not the same as mine. She never liked talking about languages, history, philosophy, and all the other stuff I love discussing with my friends and colleagues in academe.

She also has various problems with herself that I will not get into, and she felt it best to release me from the burden of being affected by them. It's a lot more than "it's not you, it's me" but it seems that she requires a lot of time to work through her shit before she can consider having any romantic liaisons of any sort. She kept things going with me because she didn't want to hurt me and because I was very tolerant and supportive, but after a series of periodic conversations where she played the "I am not worthy of you" card and me persuading her otherwise, enough is enough.

The timing of all this is quite good, since I'm back in Maine for the rest of the summer and she's staying in Chicago. Also, I'm heading into my fourth, and likely busiest year of grad school, and not having to drive to Chicago so frequently will free me from many inconveniences.

As for moving on, I'm not the type to lose interest in women or pursuing other relationships right after a breakup. The best way to move on is to get with someone else, so I'll be on the lookout for opportunities as they come along. I'll continue to frequent the local bars, and I'm brushing the mothballs off my OKC account. That said, I won't think it a big deal if I go several months without any action.

Long story short, it was a clean break, with absolutely NO chance of another Psychobitch situation erupting. I'll never regret having her in my life.
Sorry to hear, man, but it's good that things ended on clean terms. That is more than what some guys could say about their last breakup.

Drown yourself in some doom and black metal. Those are my go-to's when I'm feeling rough.
Yowch. Stay strong man, sounds like you're doing alright though and respected it for the short term romance it had to be.
Talked to this girl for like 5 months, it got kind of relationshipy, but there was always tension about it. She told me some deep shit like that this is the least lonely she's felt in her life, only to "break up" with me a couple days later (and come back a couple days after that).

Then it really ended, and I text her a few days later apologizing for the times I was a dick. Then she tells me about how she's falling hard for this other dude. Then proceeds to send me pictures of her legs (that I told her I like) disguised as ordinary conversation.

Dodged a fucking bullet. Feels good.
Sucks, zeph. Seems like it was for the best though.

I'm talking to a couple of people right now, one of each gender. Girl is this super hot black chick that a friend set me up with. The guy is gymnast and cross dresser, lol. Interesting times.
It's utterly difficult to find an attractive woman who is interested in metal. Going to gigs together has to be one of the nicest experiences which can ever occur. Sorry to hear that, Zeph. Time exactly DOES heal.
The timing of all this is quite good, since I'm back in Maine for the rest of the summer and she's staying in Chicago. Also, I'm heading into my fourth, and likely busiest year of grad school, and not having to drive to Chicago so frequently will free me from many inconveniences.

Fuck that bullshit dude. I got the new masturbation mausoleum 3.0 next year in Dekalb. You gotta come visit and get stupid trashed at the bars with me and then walk a block back to my place.
I was watching an episode of the Rockford Files earlier with dinner and near the end there was a scene where he kisses a woman on the forehead in an affectionate way while she's on the phone and she sticks out her tongue and rolls it up in an exaggerated way and I got an instant erection and now want to make out with someone with clean teeth.