Males and Females

Derek, you approach this whole thing in such a rigid and structured way that I can't help but imagine you as being helplessly honest in your conversations with these women.

Woman: "I have a boyfriend, but would you like to be friends?"

Derek: "In all honesty no; I want to get laid and don't really have the time to take on another friend as of right now, as trying to have sex takes a lot of energy. Once I finally get laid I'll give you a call and maybe we can hang out then. If you change your mind about the whole sex thing, here's my cell phone, email address and personal pager. The sooner the better; because, you know, this whole thing's putting a real damper on my social life."
Tomorrow I'm asking out a really cute and interesting girl from my gym. Each member gets 2 free personal training sessions and I was the one that gave them to her and so obviously while training we were talking and such and I met her a couple other random times in the gym and talked to her; well tomorrow I'm giving her the last free session (her 2nd one didn't redeem in the system) and when I scheduled it she said she was really glad to hear from me and was excited plus every time I see her she kinda blushes and giggles and seems really nervous and quiet so I think she's at least kinda into me.

I'm going to do the free session and try to get to know her better during it and then after I'm going to see if she'd like to hang out outside the gym sometime. I'm hoping she says yes because she seems really cool, interesting and cute so it'd be awesome to go out with her and all the signs points to she likes me at least a little bit. I'm pretty nervous thinking she'll say no or maybe she has a boyfriend (I have not asked a girl out in wayyyyyy too long) but I'm just going to go in there and talk to her, shoot the shit and at the end see if she'd like to hang out more and try not to worry about it. I'm betting she has a boyfriend because she's great but hey, it's worth a shot and even she does maybe we can at least be friends (adding another girl to my friendzone list but oh well haha). Wish me luck I guess haha!
I think I might be able to get laid soon because of some certain factors involving a certain woman. So, I'll see what happens with that. Doing that would help me out a lot!

There really needs to be another series of The Pickup Artist with Derek in it.
unknown: Agree with Educated Opinion. I flirt like the fucking Dickens with everybody to acquire smiles, ego boosts and free stuff from baristas/waiters/cashiers. It's human nature when you've been in a monogamous situation for a long time, I think. esp if you're female.

eh? I don't think so. I don't flirt which other chicks and I'm in a monogamous relationship (and actually living with said person, although not at this exact moment as she is back home in Hawaii). In fact it's quite the opposite for me since I've been in a relationship the past however many years. I'm more of an asshole to other chicks than I was before I started dating my girl. I've had a few instances in class where some horny teenage girl want to suck me off and started flirting with me and passed me her number only for me to look at it and throw it in the trash right in front of her. Pretty cruel shit, but I laughed about it later after I finished pounding - er I mean, making love to - my girl. Chalk one up for the ol' Rickster. (highfive)

I wouldn't say Ashley is the same way because she's a little nicer than I, notice I said a little. She's one of those types who will sometimes let a guy hit on her because she's just trying to be nice instead of straight up telling them to go stick their dick in a woodchipper (*COUGH* Derek you may want to write that down with regards to other females), but if you annoy her enough she'll tell you just that.

I'm not saying it's bad to flirt or whatever, just disagreeing with your assessment that it's human nature to flirt in a monogamous relationship. I find it less interesting and more of a chore to flirt or be nice in general anyways, so fuck it.

I see constipation in your future....

:lol: nice

There really needs to be another series of The Pickup Artist with Derek in it.

:lol: :erk: :lol: :erk: :lol: :erk: :lol: :erk: :lol: :erk:
I'm more of an asshole to other chicks than I was before I started dating my girl.

Hell I'm like this and I'm single. Not so much of an asshole as completely indifferent. I'll give a shit if they're cool and have something in common with me or if they're extremely good looking, but the vast majority of women are both ugly and about as interesting as watching paint dry.
Plan is still on. Go get her! Good luck, dude.

Derek, holy shit just fuck someone already. Like, get smashed at a bar and fuck some slag. It's really not that hard.
I still do plan on asking her out, I just have to wait until next week and be bothered by anticipation the whole time haha. I guess the silver lining is if she says yes then I could actually ask her on a date that weekend since I'd be asking during the week if she's down to hang out sometime and then waiting a few days and hitting her up on the weekend. Man shit is complicated and ridiculous but that's probably in the eye of the beholder and how you make it haha
The other day, one of the threesome girls invited me over, cooked me dinner and then I fucked her. Afterward she asks me: "you don't think I am too easy do you?" Well...

I went on a date with another girl the night before that. This girl is kind of boring though, very quiet and reactive as opposed to outgoing and proactive--what I like and am attracted too. She would respond to my questions and follow my sense of humor well, but wouldn't initiate much herself. Not sure if I will bother seeing her again. Still, not a bad first date in a new city.
I still do plan on asking her out, I just have to wait until next week and be bothered by anticipation the whole time haha. I guess the silver lining is if she says yes then I could actually ask her on a date that weekend since I'd be asking during the week if she's down to hang out sometime and then waiting a few days and hitting her up on the weekend. Man shit is complicated and ridiculous but that's probably in the eye of the beholder and how you make it haha

You'll be fine.

One minor suggestion: don't ask her out vaguely, just set a date, time, activity for the weekend from the get-go. Of course, be flexible based on her response, but I think she is more likely to say yes if she gets the impression that you have your shit in order and she knows what she is saying yes or no to.
Oh eff yeah, The Pickup Artist with Derek would be ace. It would be a combination of the regular PUA and Big Bang Theory, particularly the ones where Sheldon develops algorithms for things like making friends.

King Drunkard - Yeah ESID. I think dudes do the flirting thing less than women. I love being mean to dudes too - sometimes nothing is more fun - but I am working on overhauling my personality and becoming a more pleasant, kind and zen person while not compromising my standards for personal comfort and safety.

Enemy242 - Agree with DA. It is generally attractive to chicks (or at least to krampuses) when a dude has his own thing going on and bothers to fit a chick into his busy life. Go for "I'm doing X thing at X time" rather than "so like wanna get coffee sometime maybe if you're free?"

DA - lololol. I can't imagine how airheaded and slutty you'd have to be to actually ask "am I too easy?" in a situation like that. About quiet girl, remember: it's always the quiet ones. The freakiest freaks are always quiet and unassuming in everyday life.

Derek - What are these factors with this woman? Share!
Oh eff yeah, The Pickup Artist with Derek would be ace. It would be a combination of the regular PUA and Big Bang Theory, particularly the ones where Sheldon develops algorithms for things like making friends.

King Drunkard - Yeah ESID. I think dudes do the flirting thing less than women. I love being mean to dudes too - sometimes nothing is more fun - but I am working on overhauling my personality and becoming a more pleasant, kind and zen person while not compromising my standards for personal comfort and safety.

Enemy242 - Agree with DA. It is generally attractive to chicks (or at least to krampuses) when a dude has his own thing going on and bothers to fit a chick into his busy life. Go for "I'm doing X thing at X time" rather than "so like wanna get coffee sometime maybe if you're free?"

DA - lololol. I can't imagine how airheaded and slutty you'd have to be to actually ask "am I too easy?" in a situation like that. About quiet girl, remember: it's always the quiet ones. The freakiest freaks are always quiet and unassuming in everyday life.

Derek - What are these factors with this woman? Share!
A woman in her early 30s that I'm friends with who recently broke up with her boyfriend that she lived with. I went and visited her for a little bit on Saturday and she seemed depressed and unwilling to move into new relationships. But from what I've already talked about with her, I can probably lose my virginity with this woman if I ask for it. And I'd love to get a lot of practice at having sex, especially before I make a trip to somewhere like Brazil. Which hopefully I'll be doing next summer. So, there's always the possibility she gets back with her ex. Those are the factors. :)
"If I ask for it"

If you're more focused on learning than emotions, go for it I guess. But sex can cause powerful emotional attachments in both men and women. Especially so for women, so watch yourself.