Males and Females


edit: that is 2 birds with one stone, Der Morgenstern and VP.

DM let her down ASAP if you're not interested. let her get over it. whatever happens to you, you kinda deserve btw
Yea? I was planning on fucking her roommate too.

Damn. Plan on the backburner?

Edit: True story though, I think her stalker act has warmed my cold heart and since she insists on coming over here tonight to see me, I guess I better make sure I have enough breakfast on hand for two.
oh is that how it works? i always thought making sausage links and then shooting a girl would make her like me more. damn, you're right. girls do like things, don't they
I wish I could read girls minds, today I asked out that girl I talked about before and basically said it was a bummer we're done training and that it was fun and cool hanging out with her and I asked her if she'd want to hang out with me outside of the gym sometime to which she said yes and I said I'd call her sometime and then she said yeah you already have my number (i had trained her a couple times so i obviously had to have contact info for her) and then she made sure she had my right number and we parted ways. also on the way out she pushed on a door which was obviously pull despite the fact that when we went into the room i had pushed the door open and held it open for her and when she left she pushed it and then i pulled it open for her, i'm probably thinking into it too much but hopefully she didn't think about it and made that mistake because she was surprised i had asked her out and was preoccupied with that and wasn't paying attention to the door (hey i can wish i was that awesome can't i haha)

I think that basically constitutes asking her out and is the go ahead signal but my thing is i'm hoping she doesn't have a bf and is down for a date. the way we talked and the way we interacted and the signals she gave off all said she was interested but you can never 100% know with girls; they're fucking enigmas. now I have to wait until thursday to call her asking her out for friday or saturday and only then will i really be able to know for sure if its a date or she just wants to hang out. in addition to the not sure if it would be dating or hanging out she's extremely cute, funny, interesting, smart, attractive and (even though this doesn't matter to me since i'm more down with smaller) she has ridiculously big perky round boobs so I find it hard to believe she doesn't have a bf. this suspense is what sucks about being a guy, she just chills waiting for me to call or doesn't even think about it because she has a bf while i'm left wondering about everything. this being a time i have off for school leaving me with tons of free time doesn't help my situation much either, fuck.
That would be in a perfect world but I have a feeling she has a bf and is either going to tell me when I call her to ask for the date or mention it on the date and want to hang out as friends; she's way too nice and shy to turn me down in person when I asked her if she'd like to hang out and if I could call her. Plus you totally can't call a girl the day you get her number/ask her out; I gotta wait at least until thursday and then on that day plan to meet up on friday or saturday.