Males and Females

Girls may be crazy but they're certainly not stupid; they (usually) know that guys asking for number = guy is lonely/wants to hook up/hates being single. If she wanted to give you the msg that she has a BF already, she would've given you a wrong number or made it a bit more obvious.
That would be in a perfect world but I have a feeling she has a bf and is either going to tell me when I call her to ask for the date or mention it on the date and want to hang out as friends; she's way too nice and shy to turn me down in person when I asked her if she'd like to hang out and if I could call her. Plus you totally can't call a girl the day you get her number/ask her out; I gotta wait at least until thursday and then on that day plan to meet up on friday or saturday.

Or you could not play the retard game and call earlier so that she hasn't already planned out her weekend. Wouldn't you feel silly if you called her on Thursday and she said "oh...sorry I just agreed to do XYZ, if only you had called a day sooner"

She could very well have a boyfriend or just want a friend, but you never know. Wait and see! What are you planning on doing for the date?

God I miss dating. I wish I could just go on hundreds and hundreds of first dates and never call again, but that's not realistic because A) it's mean and B) I'm sure I'd wind up liking half of them and that would be mean to MP
Yeah I'm quite the run on sentence man, that's nothing new haha. Everyone has a different idea on when to call but yeah I never thought of it that way, I'd rather call her tomorrow afternoon or something and set something up for friday and seem a little bit more eager than call on thursday because i wanted to wait to seem cool and end up having her be busy. Basically yeah I'll call tomorrow and just get it done instead of thinking about it, waiting and thinking about it won't help so fuck it.
I have a female stalker from another town, not sure if I would say it's stalking, but it's kinda odd. We both have each other numbers. I'm positive she drives back and forth down the street this apartment is on a lot, but anytime have called or txted her she does not respond. I'm really paranoid lately about something so am very aware. I'm a smoker so am outside a lot.

Maybe I've lost my fucking mind, but am certain.
For 2 days she's driven back and forth down the street. In a manner like she's pissed. Up to 5 times in a matter of smoking one cig which is about 2 minutes. I'll come inside and go back outside 30 minutes later and still.
She's not even from this town. I waited to call her for awile and then she does not respond, but she's after me and around this area. It makes no sense.
Planning on asking a girl out this coming Monday (fuck Thanksgiving break). What do college people do on first dates these days anyway? It should be noted that I've talked to her extensively at least half a dozen times, so we're not strangers, but I don't know her that well.
Girls may be crazy but they're certainly not stupid; they (usually) know that guys asking for number = guy is lonely/wants to hook up/hates being single. If she wanted to give you the msg that she has a BF already, she would've given you a wrong number or made it a bit more obvious.

Not necessarily, I'd say it is far too early to tell if this girl is leading him on. If it were me I'd just ask if she has a bf on the first date to eliminate some of that ambiguity.

Enemy, just ask her out and stop analyzing the small stuff for meaning, this is a fruitless task and it will make you crazy. Do what you normally do, think about what you normally think about (e.g. don't think about her if you can avoid it). Going on a date with her is just another way you like to spend your time.
I did today and she said she's down to hang out and we chose a day. She's not going to be available this week up until the day so we just chose a day and I'm going to call her the day before to figure out all the details; i took all of your advice and just did it without thinking much more than i would hanging out with anyone else and i should've just been that way all along. thanks.

@Addo: you can do whatever you want on a date, as long as its fun and allows you to spend time hanging out and getting to know each other and whatnot. movies are pretty cliche but they do work, getting something to eat as well, or just going to some cool place in your town and doing whatever activity they have there. i'm lucky enough to live in a place where there's cool shit to do all over, in the suburbs or some place without much stuff i could imagine finding something to do would be the toughest part.
Not necessarily, I'd say it is far too early to tell if this girl is leading him on. If it were me I'd just ask if she has a bf on the first date to eliminate some of that ambiguity.
You are right, girls (people really) definitely lead guys on, but I don't think it's because they don't notice. Everybody likes to be liked, and sometimes it can be hard to know what you want before you even know the other person.

Also, bitches ain't shit etc.

Enemy, just ask her out and stop analyzing the small stuff for meaning, this is a fruitless task and it will make you crazy. Do what you normally do, think about what you normally think about (e.g. don't think about her if you can avoid it). Going on a date with her is just another way you like to spend your time.
This is good advice if nearly impossible to follow.
Yaaaaaay keep us posted Enemy242. And yeah ask if she has a boyfriend on the first date.

Addo_of_Nex - The classic college first date is coffee isn't it? It's totally relaxed and cheap and you can sort of be alone. Do you have cars? If there's an interesting city around you could just explore it together, that's always fun.
Everybody likes to be liked, and sometimes it can be hard to know what you want before you even know the other person.

Very true, but I'd still ask about the bf as soon as possible, I mean the girl may not even end up being your type, but this is some pretty critical information to have regardless.

This is good advice if nearly impossible to follow.

Easier said than done, no doubt. I find keeping myself occupied with other things helps though, then you have no choice but to not think of her if you have other more pressing things to worry about than a silly coffee date.

Edit: CC, how are you finding the girls in Toronto anyway?