Males and Females

So does anyone want to explain to me why my fiance cant seem to understand how to keep money what so ever?

She got paid Friday... a little under 400 bucks... today, she checked her account and has 100 left, Target is hiring more employees and her hours have been cut, I know for a fact she hasnt bought anyone anything for christmas. (including me)

We prettty much share all our money... but I have 70 dollars until this friday. What the fuck made her think it was okay to buy a wii and an extra wiimote + nunchuk?
I don't disagree with what you say, but when you say "choose to be together" I get confused because it seems you're willingly apart most of the time. And you seem not to be too faithful, at least by my standards.

We live 4 hours apart because we are contracted to live and work in specific locations, so that can't really be helped. He's constantly busy with his band and I have a really active social life with my friends so we wind up seeing each other a couple times per month. If I had it my way we'd see each other a lot more often than we do, but not EVERY DAY or anything.

As for being faithful, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm a recovered compulsive cheater and it's hard sometimes, but I haven't done it since being with MP. He knows that. A girl can dream.

edit: @Krow that sucks. Sounds like you gotta lay down the smack. It can suck and be hard to live within one's means but you HAVE to do it. ESPECIALLY if you're sharing money with someone else. Sorry to hear that.
Upon discussing a potential trip to Brazil to see a woman with my family, it seems like it'd be better for her to come see me. Would it really be that bad if I paid for a girl's airplane ticket to come see me? It'd be cheaper and safer than me saving up money to see her in Brazil, though in a way, this seems a little like prostitution. :lol: Except this girl like me. :)
In a way, I feel like I'm being desperate just by thinking about doing this, but on the other hand, it's not so bad.
Krow: Reddit's advice on that would be to sit down and talk with her about how to properly handle money that is shared between you two.
Upon discussing a potential trip to Brazil to see a woman with my family, it seems like it'd be better for her to come see me. Would it really be that bad if I paid for a girl's airplane ticket to come see me? It'd be cheaper and safer than me saving up money to see her in Brazil, though in a way, this seems a little like prostitution. :lol: Except this girl like me. :)
In a way, I feel like I'm being desperate just by thinking about doing this, but on the other hand, it's not so bad.


If you're paying for her to come to America, how will you ever know if she likes you or likes your money? I dunno about this durkadurk
Krow: Reddit's advice on that would be to sit down and talk with her about how to properly handle money that is shared between you two.

Or just keep my debit card in my wallet (we dont share a bank account) and if she wants to go out to eat she'd better find someone else to take her. :lol:

Half of her problem is that she never had a damn thing growing up, I mean literally nothing from what I've been told and seen. My family wasnt exactly wealthy... but they put us first, not pot and alcohol... and when she gets money... well you know.

I cant sit here and say I dont waste money... if I see an album I want $15 or less I'll buy it every time... I have a bad habit of that lately... but it's not like dropping 75% of my paycheck the day I get it when I know I need other shit.

If you're paying for her to come to America, how will you ever know if she likes you or likes your money? I dunno about this durkadurk
:lol: But my family wants me to be successful with women. And my Dad said he'd let me borrow half the money to pay for her ticket from him. And they're pretty relaxed about everything. They'd have no problems with us staying at my parents' house or wherever for a while.
I don't even know what to say. I am morbidly curious to read about what happens in the future, but it feels wrong to advise you to go through with this.

With all due respect, you don't want to be that guy who can't score with homegrown women and so has to outsource, do you?
I don't even know what to say. I am morbidly curious to read about what happens in the future, but it feels wrong to advise you to go through with this.

With all due respect, you don't want to be that guy who can't score with homegrown women and so has to outsource, do you?
Those Brazilians look better than anything in my town! Or college! I'm still approaching women at college on a regular basis, trying to make things happen with that. It's not that I can't do it, just haven't, and opportunities have been bad(girl slightly underage, married, boyfriend, etc...). I'd rather be dating a Brazilian than an American girl anyways.:)
Someone needs to sit down and have a damn conversation with you Derek. Even on the forums you come off as someone who might sound nervous as fuck just talking to people.

Learn to talk calmly, without being jittery; that and be sure to learn how to have a bit of liveliness in your voice.

If you can't talk to a person then you are destined to fail.
I have a college degree in Communications. I've been a college radio DJ and I've called a ton of basketball, baseball, softball, and football games for the station too. Actually, talking to people is one of my strongpoints, I do it a lot. I'm not nervous when I do it either. But I do get excited sometimes. :)
What you write about certainly fooled me. Everything I've read from you really sounds desperate, and it might be showing through your demeanor. Some people are born to play that asshole role that pulls in cunts one fuck at a time, but (based off of what I've read from you) that isn't you.

Stop hunting for it, just meet someone you like and see if they want to go out. Don't pressure them to come back to your rich mahogany smelling apartment or anything - don't even bring up your apartment. Don't rush anything and just have a good time existing. Every female I've known has regretted fucking-for-the-sake-of-fucking; do you really want to be the guy someone regretted sleeping with?*

*if you really don't care about it, then by all means OKCupid is the place to be. So many nasty bitches there... it was always fun seeing one of my room-mates bring one of those nasty scags back every couple of days. Just know that the woman you bring back is prob going to be fucking someone else later that day/next day, so doublewrap that shit unless you like your dick looking like a melted candybar.
I hear you on the appeal of foreigners as partners. Lord knows American dudes could learn from some of the stylish hotties in other nations. But there is a certain risk inherent in paying for a girl to fly in from Brazil - it would be very easy for her to use you for your generosity and naivete. Tread carefully and listen to Pessimism. The best time to meet women is when you're not actively hunting them down.
I have a feeling Derek has a poor understanding of the concept of being used, and may have to learn the hard way.

Not sure what the fuck his parents are smoking to go along with this idea of his though.