Males and Females

don't really instagram stalk anyone but she's country, and its a common thing the midwest/south. little boobies, wide hips and a big butt. not really a black ass anyways, you gotta get out more! hah
It appears that I am now single again. She and I are going to talk tomorrow about it (if for some reason she doesn't back out of it), but it went 18 months. My relationships are getting progressively longer each time, but I've honestly been unhappy for quite some time which I'm going to detail tomorrow. My gut tells me she's also been unhappy for a while but we tried to make it work. She has other stuff going on and I think she feels so overwhelmed about stuff that I'm hoping this helps her a little (as much as I regret to say it). The fact that she has 4 children (3 with her currently as one is in college) and she was absent frequently in recent months did not help the situation. She was absent because of a very long story, but the short of it is:

She quit her job this summer and took a severance package and was trying to have a better relationship with her kids and also get her house stuff in order because it was a mess. It got to the point where she didn't want to leave the kids alone or she just had too much going on and couldn't connect. It was a really messy situation. I kinda came in right when everything kinda hit bottom and now she's trying to get out of the hole so I got the brunt of all the stupid shit that goes along with that but I cared about her enough to deal with it.

I guess that's not so short after all

This would probably be the only time where I could be friends with a woman after a relationship ends. I think that can only happen with certain personalities. I don't know, that will pan out and we'll see how well I handle it.

Time to be my own best friend again for a while or reconnect with people.
18 months is about the same time me and my girlfriend have been together. Last time she complained that I was doing stuff on my phone while we were out together. We don't really have too much time for each other but outside of that it's going fine.
18 months is about the same time me and my girlfriend have been together. Last time she complained that I was doing stuff on my phone while we were out together. We don't really have too much time for each other but outside of that it's going fine.

Mine complained about the same and I got kinda irritated with her but then I realized she was right. I've been trying to be on my phone less and less and maybe this will be a good catalyst.
Sounds like she is in no shape to have a relationship. Perhaps once she gets her life back together, she'll be interested in pursuing one again.

Or something.

That's part of it as well. I came in at a point where she didn't really need a relationship but it worked for a while. I don't know. This shit is complicated. Get money.
My ex fiancé got like that in the end, for me the bottom line was when she punched me in the face and I had to go to work with a black eye so I just thought fuck this and got really stoned every night and pass out on the couch when she wanted to watch movies. I'd get woke up by her getting right up in my face yelling and carrying on.
I think I'd smother my girl with a pillow for a piece of this

My ex fiancé got like that in the end, for me the bottom line was when she punched me in the face and I had to go to work with a black eye so I just thought fuck this and got really stoned every night and pass out on the couch when she wanted to watch movies. I'd get woke up by her getting right up in my face yelling and carrying on.

My current girlfriend has never punched me. She thinks I'm cute.
It was an intense relationship, both good and bad. I think it was the same for us both, I doubt whether we could be friends after it was over though we were both very much in love and both quick to get jealous. I have never been as happy as when I was with her and the opposite is true also but I'm glad for the time I spent with her and the experience in general. We sure knew how to piss each other off and that little lady certainly let you know when she was really pissed off lol.
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