Males and Females

Used to work at BCBS straight out of high school. Had a father call about coverage for his son's chemotherapy... Which was not a benefit in his plan the specific way it was coded. I had to listen to a grown man cry, and was then accused of masturbating to the death of a child.

You need to be ice cold and completely detached to handle an insurance gig. It was both sad and disturbing.

Damn. That's really freaking rough. I doubt I'd be able to do a job like that. I use to get in trouble at one restaurant gig for giving people extra shit when they were really nice or had kids. :lol:
love a white girl with a black girls ass


My sort-of ex is hilarious. After months of barely talking, she wanted to hang out with me to make plans to volunteer at this thing in another country, and then the day we were supposed to hang out she cancels because she has a bad feeling about it and doesn't think I'm over the relationship.
