Males and Females

Had a psycho girlfriend punch me in the face once. Put a slash mark on my face from her ring too. I used to fuck with too many crazy bitches
My current girlfriend has never punched me. She thinks I'm cute.

A chick I fooled around with years back was punching me one night while I was sitting down and it was not in a playful manner. I was pissed at her, not because she was punching me, but prior. I wanted to hit her back and ended up not and she just beat on me for a few mins. At some point she overdosed and died and has been dead for years. Atleast 6 years. I actually did not know up until recently.
A chick I fooled around with years back was punching me one night while I was sitting down and it was not in a playful manner. I was pissed at her, not because she was punching me, but prior. I wanted to hit her back and ended up not and she just beat on me for a few mins. At some point she overdosed and died and has been dead for years. Atleast 6 years. I actually did not know up until recently.

A chick I fooled around with years back was punching me one night while I was sitting down and it was not in a playful manner. I was pissed at her, not because she was punching me, but prior. I wanted to hit her back and ended up not and she just beat on me for a few mins. At some point she overdosed and died and has been dead for years. Atleast 6 years. I actually did not know up until recently.

It sounds like you killed her.
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I don't want to get into the story and I don't live in the past, but am pretty sure it had nothing to do with me. There's no way a chick would wanna die over me. That's crazy. I don't even have a dollar in my wallet most of the time.
I'm going to be 29 and don't even have a vehicle. Women are at my doorstep killing themselves to be with me.:tickled:
My ex once sucker punched me while I was on the phone at the top of a flight of stairs. We were technically split up at the time and I was talking to another girl. My phone went flying and I almost fell down the stairs. I took off but she followed me and attacked me in the street. My friend had to physically restrain her so I could leave. Those were some fun times.