Males and Females

one of the long weekends next year Schmidt or maybe mdf!

Aug imagine the following scenario. You pay for a brilliant immigrant prostitute, kiss her ass and everything, it's the best whore you ever had, it's the best tasting anus etc. You like her so much you exchange numbers thinking you should repeat it. Later on she calls you about being pregnant with you. She knows it was you because she was only pretending to be a whore so she could fuck with you. She's in love with you and wants to raise the immigrant baby with you. She has a job, she published a book called "Consistency of The Chasm" yet she still doesn't mind that you listen to pedophile music like Nightwish, she doesn't mind your small penis either, she actually likes small penises. She drives a Bentley.

Would you have her baby or would you actually abort a perfectly good Abdul Al Salaam Sawhir?
well she would have to perform repulsive acts forbidden by the Koran, invest some of her father's oil money in my business, change Abdul's diapers and shit and raise him as a right-wing conservative republican, then yes id consider having them as a family. otherwise i'll politely hug her and deport her ass back to the middle east
Okay, I finally get why everybody loves Onder.

She still doesn't mind that you listen to pedophile music like Nightwish, she doesn't mind your small penis either, she actually likes small penises. She drives a Bentley.

I have a funny abortion story from a few months back when I wasn't posting. Before this I didn't think abortion could be funny but that changed with this abortion.

First a little intro from my file on the couple. He's a guy from my neighborhood. A simple guy so to say, a joiner that works in his father's workshop. He has this long hair in a ponytail and has this distant look in his face, when you first sight him you immediately think he's a common czech alcoholic worker, smokes a lot. A dumb guy all in all. Plays fucking cards but not the kind where you can actually change anything by how you play. Well this guy found a girlfriend who's downright retarded. I mean, he's a simple alcoholic, but she's actually retarded. Also an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. Started going out and sometimes they would sit with us at the table in the pub and everybody laughed about how dumb the girl is. People usually somewhat like the guy (in the "he's dumb but he's not a completely bad person" sense) but everybody knows the girl was a shit that he stepped in.

I once was thirsty for a beer and I needed to come across some so I strode into a pub nearby. There were some people I knew a little so I sat at the table. I'm not too much into talking about football with some old fucks, but it was one beer so whatever. And there they were. They soon revealed to the company that the girl was pregnant. People of course knew that was bad because of how stupid the girl was. She was completely drunk and was having vodkas and smoked one cig after another, which some people commented negatively in regards to the pregnancy. The joiner told her "honey don't smoke this much" but she wouldn't listen. Well she was drunk as fuck. I was disgusted and I already felt bad for the baby but it was too early to have such feelings as it turned out.

Another time I was in the same pub with some of my friends and we drank severe amounts of beer and smoke weed. All in all great fun, we laughed and stuff, numerous beers smiling on the table. Abundance of beers and weed. Now these two stupids arrive to have a beer. They sat at our table and we talked for a bit and continued having fun. Until she said to the waiter chick, across the entire table "you know, I miscarried, so no baby". I felt a relief at first and she is so dumb that she kinda chuckled at it too, you know the kind of people who can't do without chuckling even when they talk about something serious. Still I wouldn't laugh, some didn't make it because of the weed so some people laughed at her miscarriage. They later talked about it somewhat seriously with the bartender chick and we continued having fun. We knew it was better this way.

But then the joiner guy intervened after about ten minutes: "honey so you're not joking, you actually miscarried?" It turned out she didn't bother telling him and said it in a full pub first, right in front of him, like it didn't fucking matter. At that point I burst out laughing because that was just too much. I nearly fell from my chair and I had to walk a little around the table still laughing and the guy was all confused he didn't think it was funny. Other people didn't believe what they saw either and in a moment there we were, everybody was laughing at her miscarriage. She had tears in her eyes but she laughed a little too. What a funny abortion. The guy did not laugh.

My girlfriend is a teacher and we were having beers with her coworker and I couldn't resist but to tell the story and I was really excited about it but they didn't understand why I thought it was all that funny. Whatever.
If I could I would give 1000 likes for that story, I loved it.That story would bring a tear to a glass eye! Good on you Onder I fucking needed that! :lol::lol::lol:
People like that are great to have around and she did the right thing by poisoning the child I believe.
I have a funny abortion story from a few months back when I wasn't posting. Before this I didn't think abortion could be funny but that changed with this abortion.

First a little intro from my file on the couple. He's a guy from my neighborhood. A simple guy so to say, a joiner that works in his father's workshop. He has this long hair in a ponytail and has this distant look in his face, when you first sight him you immediately think he's a common czech alcoholic worker, smokes a lot. A dumb guy all in all. Plays fucking cards but not the kind where you can actually change anything by how you play. Well this guy found a girlfriend who's downright retarded. I mean, he's a simple alcoholic, but she's actually retarded. Also an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. Started going out and sometimes they would sit with us at the table in the pub and everybody laughed about how dumb the girl is. People usually somewhat like the guy (in the "he's dumb but he's not a completely bad person" sense) but everybody knows the girl was a shit that he stepped in.

I once was thirsty for a beer and I needed to come across some so I strode into a pub nearby. There were some people I knew a little so I sat at the table. I'm not too much into talking about football with some old fucks, but it was one beer so whatever. And there they were. They soon revealed to the company that the girl was pregnant. People of course knew that was bad because of how stupid the girl was. She was completely drunk and was having vodkas and smoked one cig after another, which some people commented negatively in regards to the pregnancy. The joiner told her "honey don't smoke this much" but she wouldn't listen. Well she was drunk as fuck. I was disgusted and I already felt bad for the baby but it was too early to have such feelings as it turned out.

Another time I was in the same pub with some of my friends and we drank severe amounts of beer and smoke weed. All in all great fun, we laughed and stuff, numerous beers smiling on the table. Abundance of beers and weed. Now these two stupids arrive to have a beer. They sat at our table and we talked for a bit and continued having fun. Until she said to the waiter chick, across the entire table "you know, I miscarried, so no baby". I felt a relief at first and she is so dumb that she kinda chuckled at it too, you know the kind of people who can't do without chuckling even when they talk about something serious. Still I wouldn't laugh, some didn't make it because of the weed so some people laughed at her miscarriage. They later talked about it somewhat seriously with the bartender chick and we continued having fun. We knew it was better this way.

But then the joiner guy intervened after about ten minutes: "honey so you're not joking, you actually miscarried?" It turned out she didn't bother telling him and said it in a full pub first, right in front of him, like it didn't fucking matter. At that point I burst out laughing because that was just too much. I nearly fell from my chair and I had to walk a little around the table still laughing and the guy was all confused he didn't think it was funny. Other people didn't believe what they saw either and in a moment there we were, everybody was laughing at her miscarriage. She had tears in her eyes but she laughed a little too. What a funny abortion. The guy did not laugh.

My girlfriend is a teacher and we were having beers with her coworker and I couldn't resist but to tell the story and I was really excited about it but they didn't understand why I thought it was all that funny. Whatever.

Are you a prophet? For this is proof of God.
I still think Onder's best posts should be rounded up into a collection and published as a book. I would buy ten copies.

On another site that I used to go to which isn't around anymore, they did an award thing at the end of the year with a lot of categories like best newbie, most improved member and post of the year.

If we did something like this, Onder's posts would be the only entries in that category.