Males and Females

Today I had a boner during class. Some chick from Spain had a presentation and the beast aus pants woke up I said not now beast. I sat next to some other chick and she just returned to her seat and I immediately told her about my boner and she said "dude Matt just said the same thing tmi". So basically a girl was presenting and everybody had a boner and started having conversations on it. There could be a competition where girls would present some scientific work and guys would have bonermeters in their pants (you know those right) and every boner would count as one point. I mean, when girls do this "yoga pants so you can clearly see the shape of my ass but I'm not a whore" thing the beast awakens. A touching monument, a silent cry of the prisoners of monogamy.

EDIT: This girl I talked to made me laugh because I was going through some magazine for students and there was some infographic about what are students afraid of. And well, among the obvious things "I won't find a job because I'm worthless" there was like 5 percent of people who answered "I won't find a partner" and she said "WHAT THE FUCK. Those have to be some really ugly bastards". And well, I don't think it's right to view it this way. Even ugly bastards can find a partner imo, but she obviously never had that problem so her understanding of the lives of ugly bastards is shallow.

EDIT II: I think if you told her that you're ugly so you can't really get a girlfriend she would tell you to do something about it and stop being ugly, and it would take some time to convince her that you really can't do anything about it because you're really fucking ugly and it's not like you wake up one day, step out with the right foot and you say 'imma b prutty from nao on watch me bich'.
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Onder's blog is linked in his signature dudes...

I don't really find the older stuff too interesting anymore but stuff changes there's nothing I can do. Time does that. I will leave the old texts as they are even though I feel more grown-up now.
I don't care if they are true or not, what matters most is that they are entertaining but I believe they are true. I can relate to a lot of the stuff in the few I've read, especially in that previous classic about how he tried not to laugh but because he was stoned he lost the plot...that's happened to me so many times and I think it's the best feeling when you just lose the plot looking at strangers or work colleagues or even family members and just lose it because of how stoned you are.
It happened to me recently when I picked my grandmother up to take her to my parents place for Sunday lunch, I was so high on LSD that she said something and I just looked at her and burst into hysterics.
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She probably doesn't exist. Most of what Onder posts is probably just extreme creative license.

I don't have a reason to lie. I don't even know the chick, she's just in my class. I found her facebook here's a picture of her in Prague. I don't see what you're gonnu do with it but whatever.

EDIT: Actually I will probably talk to her now that I know the name. kthxbai

too dark, too big nose, too thick eyebrows, too southern features, 6/10 would bang but not high priority
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I'm still convinced Onder is a female lesbian, with a vagina. Not trying to be funny, but like I saw a pic once that was quiiite 'pretty', and when I first joined her Sig was 'lesbian gypsy goddess'.

Seriously. Prove your manhood. Also your posts are too long. Another feminine quality.