Males and Females

I'm funnier than you so you must be a woman and I must be a man.

I've personally always felt that comparison is overstated since MalignParadigm was at least as influential on my early time here as Dodens. Dodens did used to ask me to reply to threads a lot when he argued with people and he would get mad if I didn't do it.

Actually I am pretty sure @Slayed Necros has seen what I look like.
I don't remember MP posting in the social forum that often. Necy was legitimately funny on top of being a jerk sometimes.
I've personally always felt that comparison is overstated since MalignParadigm was at least as influential on my early time here as Dodens. Dodens did used to ask me to reply to threads a lot when he argued with people and he would get mad if I didn't do it.

Actually I am pretty sure @Slayed Necros has seen what I look like.

lol. in that case i guess it's his fault you got a reputation for following him around with tongue firmly in butthole. what an oppressive patriarchy we live in

i always thought you were more like a cross between dodens and demiurge tbh, that whole robot with barely detectable dry humour which may not in fact be humour thing is very demiurge
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I don't blame him for anything but he is an extremely unusual person and being close friends with him online is a unique experience.

Demiurge sounds like someone that I would like. I've heard his name before but I don't know if he was here while I was. A lot of my posts are not serious but I can see why they are seen that way. I'm like that in person too and it confuses people.
demiurge was great. did you miss the whole era with falconsbane and the like? most interesting time for this board by far, although it's actually getting pretty good again recently.
I think so, although Falconsbane apparently came back with an alt at some point because I remember Dodens telling me who he was. I wish that I was here for that. It sounds funny.
It's funny, I was just thinking to myself earlier, "Is Omni the same person or wtf happened to her? I don't remember her being this chill..."

Wtf happened to you? Why don't I dislike you anymore. WHY? hehe

Anyway, I talk to Dodens all the time on FB because he doesn't like coming around here. He my frand.
I'm still convinced Onder is a female lesbian, with a vagina. Not trying to be funny, but like I saw a pic once that was quiiite 'pretty', and when I first joined her Sig was 'lesbian gypsy goddess'.

Seriously. Prove your manhood. Also your posts are too long. Another feminine quality.

I have a vagina and it can smile, among other things, and it's smiling at you. You guessed it I write long posts so I'm a vagina-person man.

I've personally always felt that comparison is overstated since MalignParadigm was at least as influential on my early time here as Dodens. Dodens did used to ask me to reply to threads a lot when he argued with people and he would get mad if I didn't do it.

Typical Dodens.
Talking about introducing people, I tried to introduce some people a few days back. It's the large-titted biatch from work who only talks about herself and mostly about her tits. She says she's looking for someone so I thought hey, I know this guy in my neighborhood who fucking claims he's looking for a relationship but always just fucks the girl and ice cold leaves the bitch because she's too smart or too dumb for him. The reason why they're always smarter or dumber than his preference is, I think, that his preference is based on his self-esteem and that is highly dynamic based on who's he talking to. In essence he doesn't find smart girls attractive but he laughs at the dumb ones. But anyway, they both seemed interested so I thought hey, I will send her a picture of him and we'll see. Her initial reaction was a set of questions though: 1) does he have a car, 2) does he have an apartment, 3) does he have muscles, and 4) is anybody in his family treated for cancer. This was surprising for me but I answered truthfully, bitch, he has everything but cancer. That's right. At this point I thought ego tits was hooked but she demanded a picture. I sent a picture AND a video from the gym where he's lifting a bear weight or something. She said........ impressive but not my type.

I don't think the likes of her should even have the right to decide that. I mean, yes, have some criteria. But he does have a BMW, he can lift a bear, you wanted that, so now fucking suck his phallus, you egocentric scum. What the fuck is this nonsense anyway. Left me nothing but angry because I legitimately thought he would at least slap her tits and then tell me about it. Ugh.
Do you reckon you could get a picture of that girls tits, if you ask nicely she might do it if she knows some blokes from UM forum requested to see her cleavage especially seeing's though she likes them herself. She might take it as a compliment that word has spread about the tits and come to the party, I'd like to see what she can bring to the table!
Do you reckon you could get a picture of that girls tits, if you ask nicely she might do it if she knows some blokes from UM forum requested to see her cleavage especially seeing's though she likes them herself. She might take it as a compliment that word has spread about the tits and come to the party, I'd like to see what she can bring to the table!
If it was aug's workmate there'd be a video on here by now.