Males and Females

Who was the female poster here that gave out topless pics? I asked around and someone sent me at least one a long time ago in a personal message. I felt bad after a while and deleted it though
@King Richard, I think that it's funny that you talk to him a lot now since I recall him really disliking you quite openly before.

I honestly don't know if I'm different than I used to be. I think that my sensibilities and humor are largely unchanged, but maybe I'm more approachable.
You don't jump down member's throats for having nonelitest opinions like you used to. But I also don't post/read on the music side as much as I used to so maybe I'm wrong.
Dodens used to start a conversation with me with "Fuck you faget" or "Manilla Road sucks." I still message him once in a while but he seems to not talk as much.

He was a pretty normal person when I met him though.
I enjoyed that Heretics Torch he did,good coverage of bands in there and he had an obvious talent for writing...I encouraged him to do more but he reckoned he just does some football articles or something now last I spoke to him.
I'm pretty sure he showed me that one as well, used to get a msg randomly from him every now and then just to say hi and exchange recs. A good guy and it's refreshing to come across folk that aren't just into all the cookie cutter type stuff.
Things seem to have taken a dip with my friend from the city. Not that we were ever officially together, but hanging out, snuggling, and kissing qualifies a little more than friends. All of a sudden, she hasn't been responsive when I message her so I figured I'd stop being "clingy" and just let her do her shit and see if she comes crawling back once she realizes how good for her I actually am.

For now, I got Saint Vitus and Hamms. The best.
@King Richard, I think that it's funny that you talk to him a lot now since I recall him really disliking you quite openly before.

I honestly don't know if I'm different than I used to be. I think that my sensibilities and humor are largely unchanged, but maybe I'm more approachable.

Yes, we both hated each other...good times. You've just chilled out which is a good thing.

I enjoyed that Heretics Torch he did,good coverage of bands in there and he had an obvious talent for writing...I encouraged him to do more but he reckoned he just does some football articles or something now last I spoke to him.

I bought the 1st ed. too. I tried talking him into finishing the 2nd ed. and from what he told me it's just a lot of work for nothing basically. Not enough people will buy it to make it a worthwhile endeavor and he's making more money writing about football. I get it, but I told him he needs to work on his marketing skills. "trve metalheads" love extremely rare and obscure shit, so market it and build it up as the most uber obscure bad-fucking-ass collection of words on metal there is and people would eat that shit up. But it didn't work. lol
For sure, I used to really enjoy buying zines from this now closed local metal shop mainly cause back then it was the only way to find out about the underground bands and tbh the writing quality was crap...I think if he had put it out in the days before the net took over it would've done really well.