Males and Females


if you're looking to just have fun then look into pua(pick up artist) websites and gather as much info you can. there's a ton of good free advice columns out there. there's nothing sleezy about it, you'll see..

if you're looking for something long-term read this website, pronto
Okay so I was being a little too sneaky and dug this chick's rant out of Derek's myspace profile (here):

So Derek, are you just trolling around dude?
I don't have MySpace anymore. That used to be my address for MySpace. I have Facebook. And I'll now remove that link from my profile.:)
I'm glad I'm not that Derek. :lol:
I'm just looking for success with different women at the moment. Going for just one really screws me up. I think I'll prefer the PUA stuff for now, but I'm not ruling out a relationship.
Maybe this is a bit of random thing to be moaning about but I met some Finnish girls a couple of months ago and OMG I have got to marry one someday.


They have like actual perfect bone structure and are so cute and perfect.

Yeah some of them have a bit of a troll/ gnome look going on and Scandinavia has a lot of (100%) lesbians.

Still, fucking hell. I want one.
^Win. Once again Krampus wins the internet.

The PUA thing is a good thing for any guy to learn actually. It's really about psychology more than anything and isn't sleazy at all. If anything learning how to take multiple rejections before it starts working, really helps with confidence. Check out Neil Strauss's books The Game and The Rules of the Game and be sure to read the first book first.
I'll let you speculate on my child, this is interesting.

@Cythraul KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. You are doing the world a service. I am a big fan of loners who live weird atypical lifestyles and I think more people ought to appreciate them.

@Derek GOOD JOB! You can't really gauge your kissing skill based on a cheek kiss though can you? I know this is totally 4th grade but you could like practice on the shower wall or something. Kissing is awkward for everyone their first time, but kissing is like running - you get exponentially better every time you do it. Keep fighting the good fight! yeah!
Wouldn't it make the most sense to practice on something that resembles a human mouth? You should be good as long as you don't do the following:

1) Open your mouth too wide
2) Not open your mouth enough
3) Go crazy with your tongue
4) End up licking her face
5) Make odd noises
6) Drool

In my experience, it wasn't nearly as hard as anyone said it was. It's not all that complex once you get down to it.
I'll let you speculate on my child, this is interesting.

@Cythraul KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT. You are doing the world a service. I am a big fan of loners who live weird atypical lifestyles and I think more people ought to appreciate them.

@Derek GOOD JOB! You can't really gauge your kissing skill based on a cheek kiss though can you? I know this is totally 4th grade but you could like practice on the shower wall or something. Kissing is awkward for everyone their first time, but kissing is like running - you get exponentially better every time you do it. Keep fighting the good fight! yeah!
Thanks krampus! :) Yes, I'm kissing more often lately, and I've met a nice girl that works in one of the shops here. I think me and her will be going out Friday night together. She seems to like me and asked me for a date before I asked her. We speak Spanish and English together. She's a nice girl and we both have a similar sense of humor. She looks a little on the Asian side but I think she's Middle Eastern.
For once I don't really have any chick problem :eek: Things are going pretty well with this chick I'm currently talking to :)