Males and Females

I agree dude but I feel guilty as fuck.

@Dak I mean did I really string her along? I said I didnt know which I guess leaves hope but she should have an idea it's def probable I dont.

Ya know what it is thats bothering me is the crying and the devastation I saw. It was awful, I hate this relationship shit. I'm just concerned now, like she's not gonna be ok... ugh I hate that shit

Im drinking scothc fuck this

this is why I really never get into this. I never have the guts for it, I'm a huge pussy and coward and always look for them to break up with me. This is why I should stick to dating strippers, getting something and dying the way i deserve
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Women tend to like to think they can change men. If they think they can turn a raging abusive alcoholic into a caring father and husband, they probably also think they can turn those "I don't knows" into at least a "sure why not". A "don't know" about kids to women is basically the male version of any number of female excuses for not fucking a guy they string along for gifts and dates.
She probably knew you really meant a "no" the whole time but hearing you actually finally confirm it upset her because it was building up for so long. I recon she'll be fine, women move on from devastating shit pretty fast.

Whatever she's going through right now will just get worse and worse if she stays with someone who doesn't have the same vision for the future though. So don't let pity make it more fucked up and prolonged.

Also, going by how you described her need for children, if you accidentally get her pregnant and still decide you don't want a kid, you're fucked. She does not sound like the abortion type.
Laying the truth down.

Just drink your emotions away, like me. I haven't felt a strong emotion in weeks.
Ahehe oh boy, talked to her later, she's fine and is ok with it. I'm in a pickle. suicide or coffee? either way it'll work out. fuck suffering though, fuck it!
Fucking ex filed to increase child support right before I get the biggest paycheck of my life and the foreseeable future, I'm so fucked. I've heard they make it a pain in the ass to lower it back down when I make less the next month. My income changes all the damn time she seriously picked the worst time.
CIG hit it on the head especially with that last bit. Leave her, idiot. You're gonna end up with a kid you don't want by a woman you're not that in love with. The fact she cried about a fair adult discussion is not a good sign of sanity or maturity. She will lie about birth control and poke holes in condoms if you stay with her, I guarantee it.
Steal a stillborn from a hospital and bake it in the oven until the smell attracts her attention and she thinks you're cooking something good and then whip out the dead baby and tell her to get the fuck back to kitchen before you cut her tits off and eat them.
I'm sorta starting to realize what people see in that whole sitting in your couch getting fat living with a female watching Formula 1 thing. We're planning to move in together with my girl and I want to sort of chill out and read some Mahler scores while drinking imperial stouts and getting my dick sucked on command and stuff like that. I want to have a small apartment and enjoy her daily company.

Everybody says it will be difficult and it will break us apart to see each other all the time but we never have arguments and well, I think we're pretty good together so fuck not trying.

November is the plan.
Fucking ex filed to increase child support right before I get the biggest paycheck of my life and the foreseeable future, I'm so fucked. I've heard they make it a pain in the ass to lower it back down when I make less the next month. My income changes all the damn time she seriously picked the worst time.

It's totally fucked over here, I used to work two jobs for years and then when I dropped down to one job the government raped me over child support and my ex didn't do shit to make it easy for me either.
Fucking ex filed to increase child support right before I get the biggest paycheck of my life and the foreseeable future, I'm so fucked. I've heard they make it a pain in the ass to lower it back down when I make less the next month. My income changes all the damn time she seriously picked the worst time.

If the law is based off "the most recent paycheck" that's retarded.
Fucking welfare babies need to just get a damn job and support themselves.i'm not paying her rent when she is with another man fuck this, let his worthless ass support her. Fucking moms game the system for welfare and money from their ex and free healthcare, and have the nerve to call the dads deadbeats to their children. She has been a 'student' for 7 years and has no degree to show for it. So because of her ineptitude I'm suppose to pay her bills? Fuck that. I'm going to end up voting trump watch
All aboard the Trump train!

Inb4 the leftards say "it's your responsibility"
Fucking welfare babies need to just get a damn job and support themselves.i'm not paying her rent when she is with another man fuck this, let his worthless ass support her. Fucking moms game the system for welfare and money from their ex and free healthcare, and have the nerve to call the dads deadbeats to their children. She has been a 'student' for 7 years and has no degree to show for it. So because of her ineptitude I'm suppose to pay her bills? Fuck that. I'm going to end up voting trump watch

It does desperately need reform. I as well, love paying in to my ex wife while shes living with another, for dual income. Especially enjoy still paying out the child support during the months i have my child, when the weight of all financial responsibilities for him are on me. I've set up an account for my son that she doesnt know about so that there will actually be money there for him when he needs it, seeing as i'm all to familiar with how she is with money and what the child support likely goes towards. Moreover, she, living in another state than me, who also delayed the process of our divorce for many years had one child, with another on the way with her new partner before the divorce was forced through on her, so now i am having to , post - divorce go through a guardian ad litem to convince them a paternity test is appropriate for both of those children in order to avoid me being considered the default parent (then also being held financially liable for them). Instead of simply being able to ask for a paternity test, i have to jump through these extra hoops despite the mother confirming theyre not my own. I can only imagine if she had decided try and pin them on me.

/endrant, i try not to ramble about this shit.
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It's funny how some chicks just assume that men want to be dominated outside the bedroom.

Yeah, most definitely not, why does either one have to dominated? It's more the men's faults though, via their lack of willpower and allowing women to lead them around by their dicks. It effectively gives the women power to hold the relationship hostage if she doesn't get her way. Not happenin' to this bloke though admittedly not a problem due to my near serial stag status :tickled:
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