Males and Females

wandering taco vs zabu of n[omega symbol]d: Who is the true ambassador? Who is the king of the uncapped usernames? I propose a fist-to-cuffs gentlemen match!
Why, Mr. Taco is nothing but a yellow-bellied, chicken-livered, tee-totaling humbug! I could thrash him soundly in my morning slippers with one hand combing my mustachio!
Zabu jests, he is naught more than an overgroomed monkey. It merely grows riled when others taunt it, give it a peanut and send it on its way before it grows too sullen at the thought of dwelling further in the shadow cast by my magnificent moustaches.
MDF = Maryland Doublepenetration Fest

now that's a festival worth coming for (SEE WUT I DID THERE?!)

on a slightly related note: I have a date on Sunday. With a girl, who, surprisingly, lives right up the street from me. weird. we've been talking online and blah blah blah. My only concern is on her profile she has "curvy" down, and there are no full body pictures. she looks cute. so I don't know. I like curvy chicks, but as we discussed earlier (in this thread or some other), there's a difference between curvy and fat.
A quick google image result of "Casey" brings very mixed reactions.

Casey to me sounds neither fat nor thin though, so hey - best of luck!

The fat-to-name ratio is always a bit iffy; it is no where near as accurate as the whore-to-name ratio after all.
Along those lines, I'm annoyed because my ex had my favorite female name (a strong preference that existed before I ever met her) and now it'll be weird if I ever want to date someone with that name, and particularly annoying if I ever have a daughter because I'd want to give her that name.