Males and Females

Never hover. I did once in an emergency room bathroom because I had to shit so bad I thought I might die and the bathroom was already disgusting. My blast radius encompassed most of the toilet, the floor, and the wall. The angle provided did however spare my pants.

Realizing I could not make right what I had done with the given implements, I wiped my ass and quickly left the scene of the devastation.

That is the most entertaining, funny and well writen piece I have read this month, and I have read two books this month.
It's your fucking butthole. They are willing to have dudes put their dick in it and spread that shit but they can't place that shit on a toilet? Yeah fuck those bitches.

It's a designated out hole you stupid bitches.
Why do I find white skin so much more beautiful on a woman?

I consider myself both rational and liberal, I don't know of any specific belief I have that would lead me toward this prejudice, and I regularly message non-white women on dating sites -- yet my jaw just drops for white skin in a way that it doesn't for skin of other colors.

I've considered that this preference was conditioned into me from a young age, and I've made an effort to persuade myself out of it, but to no avail. It's disturbing.

Don't sweat it, I'm a borderline racist with a thing for ethnic chicks. Your libido and your belief system don't necessarily have to be in synch. When people have to feel guilty about their sexual preferences, it's invariably a sign of something dysfunctional in the culture. Unless they're a paedo anyhow.
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What does that mean exactly? Any woman not white-British?

It isn't very specific tbh, east asians/south asians/mixed race/middle eastern/whatever else all count. I also don't mind white British, I'm not "unattracted" to them, they just aren't quite as appealing. The only ethnicities I'm not fully down with are slavs and full blacks, but that's still more of a preference than a prohibition.
What does that mean exactly? Any woman not white-British?

It isn't very specific tbh, east asians/south asians/mixed race/middle eastern/whatever else all count. I also don't mind white British, I'm not "unattracted" to them, they just aren't quite as appealing. The only ethnicities I'm not fully down with are slavs and full blacks, but that's still more of a preference than a prohibition.

So any non-white British woman
My long term relationship has been on the rocks for awhile and it's very unfortunate. Not only is it unfortunate that we were perfect together once, it's unfortunate that we live together, and frankly I don't want the headache of a breakup more than anything. I'm trying to improve myself with a new job and going back to school, I really need to just not deal with it. I'm kinda allowing things to take their natural course of slowly withering. I hope he steps up for the first time ever and puts in his fair half of keeping this relationship on track. Maybe kisses my ass for once. If not, oh fucking well, to be honest. I'm sick of a lot of shit, and they're old arguments that have been discussed to death.

Kinda feels good to get that off my chest. I don't have a best friend. I'm really not comfortable sharing that kind of shit with people, we have too many folks in common and it would turn into the popular gossip.
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Yeah it can be hard to get distance when you live together. He's just always really pissy he doesn't get enough attention because I'm a workaholic, and that shit is about to get worse since I'm going to school. We will see. Let me put it this way, if our relationship falls down, I'm not stopping to pick it up, no man gonna bring me down even if I love him.
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Taking a break definitely does help. I did it when shit was turning sour and it really helped to bounce both of us back. And if it doesn't.... that's OK too. It's good you're keeping yourself busy and improving on yourself, though. Hopefully he takes the time as well to do the same.
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So I have an ex girlfriend/long time friend that got into drugs and finally lost everything a few weeks ago. I kind of snickered at the whole situation... Until I saw her downtown today, without any shoes, with nothing at all actually.. It got me in the feels pretty hard...

I talked to her for a while and asked if she needed anything. She asked for food at first but before I got the chance someone brought her some McDonald's. After prying a bit I finally got her to tell me she only owned a pocket knife for protection and a tent she was sleeping in. I bought her a couple pillows, a fleece blanket, and a flashlight.

She looked horrible... Might weigh 90 pounds... Covered in sores and reeking of stink wanting to hug me for bringing her shit. I didn't tell her where I got the stuff and made sure to take the receipts out of the bags so she couldn't return any of it. I told her to please not be the next person I hear about dying of a heroin overdose and to try and stay safe. She hinted around at needing a shower but I ignored it and came home.

Long story short, seeing someone I used to care about a lot that hurt me absolutely destroyed wasn't nearly satisfying at all and was just horrible...
Why were you snickering at first?!

I hate visiting major cities because they're full of homeless people and I feel terrible. They literally have nothing and there's no escape for many of them, what an awful way to live.

I did have one come up to me last time I was in Manchester and say "sorry, but could you spare me a few quid, it's not for drugs I swear, it's to stay in a hotel tonight". When you're insisting it's not for drugs then I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it's for!

It's funny because I generally don't give a shit about people and I get far more upset when animals are being killed/mistreated, but seeing homeless people brings it home that some folk just have really shitty lives.
Sounds like she might be on drugs tbh. where's her family?

What a heavy story, life sucks. Doubtful that encounter will help maybe change whatever bad decision she may be making but it would be nice if it does.
Oh she's definitely on drugs. The sores on her arms are either meth or heroin battle scars. Fuck she probably already traded the shit I gave her for more and is laying on the ground.

Her family didn't seem overly interested in her when we were teenagers either. And she wasn't really a fuck up then, she was one of the best basketball players in the school, on the dance line, and the honor roll. That's the scariest thing, to see the bottom, the real bottom of a downward spiral. Literally the only lower she could go would be in the ground.
So I have an ex girlfriend/long time friend that got into drugs and finally lost everything a few weeks ago. I kind of snickered at the whole situation... Until I saw her downtown today, without any shoes, with nothing at all actually.. It got me in the feels pretty hard...

All she has to do is get high and suck on a dick and she can go buy whatever shoes she wants, what a dumb bitch. :lol: