Males and Females

I think there's a definite social attachment to sexual attraction, and not just the very basic 'I dig their personality' thing. For instance I'm sexually attracted Arabs. Not only are they generally more attractive men, but I'm part Hebrew, and there's something really sexy about the fantasy of fucking a terrorist. In addition it's a race that is predominantly religious and there's a certain passionate fucked up righteousness that, while obviously retarded to me and my superior scientific mind, is nonetheless titillating when compared to the cold nihilism of most other men.

I think an attraction to white women could be due to similar factors. They've been historically in the home as wives and mothers, subservient to their master husbands, and even today most of them have it ingrained that someone needs to take care of them. Black women historically have had to work equal parts in the home due to racism and lower wages for their husbands in the workplace, so there's not as much penis worship going on. Asian women tend to be go-getters who run. That. Shit, which is equally terrifying to a man with low self esteem who wants to be the celebrated provider. Indian women are comparable to Asian women, Hispanic women are comparable to black women, and Arab women are comparable to white women, with the added distinction of wanting to be free of patriarchy but still being trapped by a dominant religion. White women trap themselves.

In other words I bet you're equally attracted to Arab bitches because they'll suck your dick and say thank you. Noice.
But, you know, I'm the first person who would admit I'm a blanket statement making asshole, so there's that.
Maybe its because of my own experiences with American women of the different races. Every Asian women whose home I've been in, and I had a lot of little Asian friends growing up, she ran that shit. She had the better paying job in addition to controlling who ate what when.
Over here there's a stereotype of Asian women with old white men because "they're traditional housewives."

So it could be that, I'm not sure if that's a thing over there.

I think that's the original intention with men, but they have a rude awakening when the lady supersedes him in every way.

My argument is drastically flawed anyways. I go from historical descriptions of women to modern descriptions. See how fucking perfect you are at 8am accidentally internetting.
I think that's the original intention with men, but they have a rude awakening when the lady supersedes him in every way.

My argument is drastically flawed anyways. I go from historical descriptions of women to modern descriptions. See how fucking perfect you are at 8am accidentally internetting.

I wouldn't care if a woman "superseded" me. Paying for everything sucks.

Also I'm loaded up on painkillers right now.
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I've fetishized every female stereotype imaginable so thoroughly that I am truly colorblind in my racial sexual preferences. I am the face of urbane 21st century male.
I think that's the original intention with men, but they have a rude awakening when the lady supersedes him in every way.

I think your probably right about who is in control once the door at home is closed re: Asian women. I wouldn't be surprised if despite the "rude awakening", most guys that will deal with it will be more than happy if she gives the impression he's in charge when they are together in public. Very shrewd on their part. Nothing beats the BJ/TY combo though.
I prefer white women and typically I don't think people from other races are attractive unless they are 'part white'

Am I racist? Y/N

That statement alone doesn't make you racist.

I think attraction is separate from racism. Or else that means like gay dudes are the most sexist men imaginable. A sexual preference can be different from a non sexual preference.

I have a sexual preference for black and white women and find other races often less attractive. But I can tell when a woman is beautiful of any race. It's just the "stereotypical" asian woman I do find less attractive. That doesn't mean I treat them any differently outside of my bed though.
I don't think I have a race type and can tell if someone's attractive by their features and proportions. However, even awkward proportions like small head, hook nose and no chin can sometimes look fine on certain people. Weird little imperfections are endearing sometimes

I think living in a city like NYC makes you exposed to different races more and I think the more you see different types of people the more attractive they become to you.

White women are always in tbh, but I do feel social media does come into play exposing different types (sometimes to an almost nauseating degree but I get it) and making people more curious about them. In high school it was painful to date because the people I was into would whip out their laundry list of what they don't like physically and I'd fit that bill like a damn glove :lol: Now things are a little different and I don't think it's because I've changed much at all but that people's views have changed a bit due to just more exposure.

People should be able to like what they like and not have to feel bad for it, though. Physically I think I tend to like taller men but that doesn't mean that shorter men aren't desirable.
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Some women think that `hovering` is an acceptable way to use a toilet. Theres at least one and possibly around five of them at the place where I work that `hover` over the toilet seat when using it ( a single, shared toilet in the office ). Of course they see it as more hygienic for themselves, it is completely selfish and they clearly have a complex that other peoples toilets have germs on them that can make your árse melt. I have weighed up what is happening, and I think that the culprits(s) are clinging onto the sink and then lowering themselves into a sort of Kangaroo posture.The thing is, that I think they know the mess that they accidentally and often make by spraying it all over the toilet and the wall and floor behind the toilet, making life hell for other users and more particularly the cleaner Ladies, they know it will likely be blamed on the men! Ironically because of these Ladies hovering, everyone else has to start hovering also, so as not to get the mess on them from the Ladies hovering. The company ought to have a `full contact` clause built into the terms of employment and some training for them. But, that and other pet hates of them aside, I would rather work with a full company of Ladies, one with no males at all, because men are ugly, senseless, aggressive monkeys. Women shave their eyebrows off and then paint them back on again! Id accept that over working alongside sweaty, smelly, Gorillas. I certainly do not want to look at men, they are vile. So just Ladies for me ty, despite all their weaknesses and questionable habbits.
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Never hover. I did once in an emergency room bathroom because I had to shit so bad I thought I might die and the bathroom was already disgusting. My blast radius encompassed most of the toilet, the floor, and the wall. The angle provided did however spare my pants.

Realizing I could not make right what I had done with the given implements, I wiped my ass and quickly left the scene of the devastation.