Males and Females

From my experience black women's personalities are simply repulsive.

Yes, because every single woman who is black regardless of age, education, background/upbringing, religion, country of origin, native language, and socioeconomic status has the exact same personality.

Seriously, are you just book smart or something?
So I'm in what is probably the roughest situation I've ever been in. I've met what I consider the perfect chick. We agree on just about everything and have countless things in common. She is quite easily the most mature woman I've met and is incredibly smart. I find her very sexually attractive and vice-versa. The problem is that she has genital herpes. Now normally, I would've gotten out a long time ago but she refused to have sex with me until she finally came forth and told me she had it. I personally had a lot of respect for that and decided to give her a chance, though hold off on the sex, and see if it would lead somewhere serious. Eventually, I came around and ended up sleeping with her (protected of course) and gradually realized just how intellectually interested I was in her.

Am I making a mistake here? I know the obvious answer to that would be to ask myself whether I'm willing to continue taking the risk. The truth is that I'm not really sure. A chick like this does not come around often for me so I can't and simply don't want to break it off with her. On the other hand, it could end up not working out and my sex life could be forever ruined.
There's always the chance you won't catch it if you avoid sexing her when she's having an outbreak and use condoms - no guarantee of course - is she on Valtrex or whatever it is?

It's a good sign she told you before instead of after the fact...
Yes, because every single woman who is black regardless of age, education, background/upbringing, religion, country of origin, native language, and socioeconomic status has the exact same personality.

Seriously, are you just book smart or something?

You completely ignored the "from my experience" part of that sentence and took it as an axiom.
Yes, she is on Valtrex. She's apparently only had one outbreak since she was diagnosed and the antibiotics pretty much knock out any chance of further outbreaks. Either way, I'm still slightly unclear of the risks. She told me it was a mere 4% chance for guys to contract it as long as no outbreaks or viral shedding is present (and this is supposedly just the percentage for unprotected sex).
I suppose I should preempt another sassy retort. You took me out of the context of growing up in suburban Boston. Obviously you the world-traveller have a more universal assessment of that race, which is completely pointless since race has nothing to do with people's personalities (rather as you said, cultural and economic factors).
It's probably not worth the risk getting herpes because of one female out of many. Unless you both actually glue each together until you both die with that really thin clear glue(she gives you herpes). You would need a lot of it. And if she has a great ass you could just put it in her butt and add handjobs/blowjobs, but then again am pretty sure it's possibly you could get them from getting head from her, with time do not get bent out of shape over a female and would just ditch her. It's not the end of the world. Not sure what would be enjoyable about having sex with someone and having to take precautions or have to get check ups. Sweat,pre-cum and cum, both your bodily fluids. I don't know dude. You're young. A condom is just a condom. the Biohazard couple!. I would not even make out with a chick with herpes. fuck that. You're getting in some serious shit bro

She told you about it because it's wicked serious shit.
So I'm in what is probably the roughest situation I've ever been in. I've met what I consider the perfect chick. We agree on just about everything and have countless things in common. She is quite easily the most mature woman I've met and is incredibly smart. I find her very sexually attractive and vice-versa. The problem is that she has genital herpes. Now normally, I would've gotten out a long time ago but she refused to have sex with me until she finally came forth and told me she had it. I personally had a lot of respect for that and decided to give her a chance, though hold off on the sex, and see if it would lead somewhere serious. Eventually, I came around and ended up sleeping with her (protected of course) and gradually realized just how intellectually interested I was in her.

Am I making a mistake here? I know the obvious answer to that would be to ask myself whether I'm willing to continue taking the risk. The truth is that I'm not really sure. A chick like this does not come around often for me so I can't and simply don't want to break it off with her. On the other hand, it could end up not working out and my sex life could be forever ruined.

Counting the discussion was waylayed by a bunch of bullshit, I figure I would bring this back to the forefront of the discussion.

Honestly, no, your not making a mistake. Just be safe and wrap that shit constantly. Of course problems will arise (hypothetical: do you want kids?), but do those problems outweigh the benefits of the relationship?
It's probably not worth the risk getting herpes because of one female out of many. Unless you both actually glue each together until you both die with that really thin clear glue(she gives you herpes). You would need a lot of it. And if she has a great ass you could just put it in her butt and add handjobs/blowjobs, but then again am pretty sure it's possibly you could get them from getting head from her, with time do not get bent out of shape over a female and would just ditch her. It's not the end of the world. Not sure what would be enjoyable about having sex with someone and having to take precautions or have to get check ups. Sweat,pre-cum and cum, both your bodily fluids. I don't know dude. You're young. A condom is just a condom. the Biohazard couple!. I would not even make out with a chick with herpes. fuck that. You're getting in some serious shit bro

She told you about it because it's wicked serious shit.

either my brain is fucked or this is the most confusing to read and oddly worded paragraph i've ever read. I get the gist but some of the things in there i'm seriously going what the fuck at.

getting herpes would suck ass though, when it comes down to sex i would not bareback unless i really knew the person and had dated them and knew they were clean. some people are fucking gross.
It's probably not worth the risk getting herpes because of one female out of many. Unless you both actually glue each together until you both die with that really thin clear glue(she gives you herpes). You would need a lot of it. And if she has a great ass you could just put it in her butt and add handjobs/blowjobs, but then again am pretty sure it's possibly you could get them from getting head from her, with time do not get bent out of shape over a female and would just ditch her. It's not the end of the world. Not sure what would be enjoyable about having sex with someone and having to take precautions or have to get check ups. Sweat,pre-cum and cum, both your bodily fluids. I don't know dude. You're young. A condom is just a condom. the Biohazard couple!. I would not even make out with a chick with herpes. fuck that. You're getting in some serious shit bro

She told you about it because it's wicked serious shit.

Are you always drunk when you post? I have to re-read some of the things you post sometimes. She has HSV-2 which can't be contracted orally so I only have to worry about penetration.
Counting the discussion was waylayed by a bunch of bullshit, I figure I would bring this back to the forefront of the discussion.

Honestly, no, your not making a mistake. Just be safe and wrap that shit constantly. Of course problems will arise (hypothetical: do you want kids?), but do those problems outweigh the benefits of the relationship?

I don't want kids but that isn't even really a problem as long as she's taking antibiotics. I don't know. I have never met a chick like this before and I can't just break it off like that.
80 percent of my posts are drunk or high. Lately I am not even functional when drunk so started going to Rehab. I can't even actually talk anymore if I drink.
I don't want kids but that isn't even really a problem as long as she's taking antibiotics. I don't know. I have never met a chick like this before and I can't just break it off like that.

Well, if you are not a shallow prick and she is taking steps to protect both her and you, then what else do you have to lose? I would think the choice here is obvious.
Dude, come on.

I agree with Zeph, except change black women to African-American women proud of embracing "black" stereotypes.

I'm imagining how a date with one of them would go. I like going to movies, so I'd probably need to bring a stress ball.
From my experience black women's personalities are simply repulsive.

I've seen a couple black chicks at my old high school that have... well, I wouldn't say "awesome" personalities, as they still exhibited the stereotypical "judgmental, stuck-up, 'prepster'" attitude that every high-achieving but still immensely popular girl had there. Maybe "tolerable in comparison" is the better choice of words.

Back in the day however, I still would've been all over that shit. Not every black chick is like you describe.