The Ozzman
Melted by feels
he is the manilla road of understanding women
So he's middle of the road, plain vanilla average dude? That contradicts what I said.
he is the manilla road of understanding women
how many more years do we have to see that lame ass manilla road joke
Most people are pissy and/or horny most of the time.
...are we still talking about penises?
Just got shut down on Tinder for being a mere inch shorter than a girl. I'm not a manlet by any stretch of the imagination either. I'm considered above average for an American male. Is it that much trouble for you to wear flats, bitch? Women suck.
What a strict bitch I bet her vagoo smells just about 100% perfect.
Juggling school, overtime at work, a significant other, and alone time is hard. My dude feels super neglected, even though I have essentially removed friends from my juggling equation to make more time for him. How much alone time vs couples time when I have maybe 1 hour of freedom from responsibility a day is fair?
Juggling school, overtime at work, a significant other, and alone time is hard. My dude feels super neglected, even though I have essentially removed friends from my juggling equation to make more time for him. How much alone time vs couples time when I have maybe 1 hour of freedom from responsibility a day is fair?
I don't want to be affectionate and watch a TV show I don't even like as soon as I get home, on the rare night I don't have homework. I wanna play Xbox or something. He gets 4 hours to himself at least to do his thing, so he's lonely and bored of it by the time I get home. But fuck my needs for decompression, right? Because he wants attention.
It's weird, the science and philosophy of long term relationships. I believe love is growing as individuals, towards group goals. But ultimately respecting and appreciating that you're separate entities. We're alone when we die.