I finally told the chick I like that I still had feelings for her. She's moving away from Chicago to get her shit back in order, and then who knows where to from there. I basically told her that I care about her and that I still definitely liked her romantically, which was not shocking. She said she agreed with me and felt similar, just a "wrong place/wrong time" situation. As we were parting she came back and we hugged one last time and we made out for 30 seconds. Really sloppy shit.
Fucking hurts. Not only am I losing a potential partner but, more importantly, I'm losing one of my best friends. That's probably the most important part, but I know that my mental health might finally come back to me now that I won't see her so often. I feel like I should have told her months, perhaps even years ago, all of this shit, but neither of us were ready to make any sort of commitment like that. I didn't live in Chicago until a few months ago, and fuck long-distance stuff.
Yeah, I know, tons of fish in the sea and yada yada yada, but that sort of bullshit rhetoric isn't going to help me right now. There is a part of me that is telling me that I should just drop everything and go with her and another part saying that this will get better. Because it will, but I can't help but feel like I'm losing perhaps the most important person in my life right now. It's silly, since she's not dying or anything like that, but it's difficult.