Males and Females

What do you talk about when you on dates with women ?, not that i would do that, but am kinda curious about what you talk about, because people do that stuff

This kinda stuff is strong material:
I'm a loser but am not akward, I have ailments and have put up and delt with enough shit, I'm not a pussy, but I would not be able to survive herpes, unless I have a condom won't have sex, and am not going to put a condom on my dick. I look pretty good, you either suck my dick or get the fuck out. I don't put up with your bullshit.
Things are still great with the girl I'm seeing.

Last night at her place she schooled the fuck out of me on the history of modern art. Pulled out a pile of books on various artists, pointed out elements in their work that I'd never have noticed on my own, and very articulately explained how two stylistic elements from different people represented the progression of a single idea over time (i.e. how Cezanne began a sort of deconstruction of perspective, which Picasso later "perfected"). I love being with someone who's smart, sexy, and so driven by artistic vision.

I'm less worried about her mental issues than I was before, but what stands out to me now is that she's very dependent on her dad (whom she lives with) to get by. Her mom died last year, and her dad's in his mid 70s and in poor health. She's still grieving her mom, and worried that she'd be unable to cope if her dad died too. If that happened, it could put a strain on our relationship which I'm not sure I'd want to deal with.

I prefer to think she just needs time and a bit of inspiration to start living a healthy, sustainable life, but it's easy to see her as on a path of inevitable doom...
Made a new OKC account the other day. Already have a few matches. Far more than I ever got in fucking Pissoria. Now, to be the piece of shit heartbreaker that I've been recently and to hit on chicks then proceed to ghost them.
Still living in China. Honestly, if you're a white guy and you're not a weird loser and you like Asian girls, this place is pretty much a goldmine. It's like the easiest place to get dates. I was trying to juggle so many girls at one point that I didn't realistically have the time or money for it. Seeing a girl in Hong Kong for a second date on Thursday. She's cute. We've been talking a lot. She speaks good English and we have real chemistry. I think another girl is coming over tomorrow, although she said I didn't text her enough. I don't know if she's actually butt hurt or if she's just joking. We'll see. Anyway, she's hot but I feel like we only like each other physically.

Dafuq man. Reply to my messages. We need some authoritative opinions.
OKC asks you a shit-ton of questions (limitless actually, the more you answer the more accurate it gets) and then shows you the people you have the highest compatibility with, so it's pretty useful for finding like-minded people.
You might want to try one of the more kinky dating websites for that shit, you kinky sub.

I think that, since moving, I've seen an influx of girls that might actually be into me and, unlike back at home where the girls most likely didn't give two shits, I'm starting to kinda get the hint.
Iirc OkCupid had a feature where you'd fill out a list of your weird kinks, and other members would only see what the two of you had in common. That was a really neat feature.
Probably a male and female topic, but I'm not exactly sure if I completely follow. From what I get, yeah, sex is important in any relationship. Depending on your relationship, i think its okay to be opened with your partner on what you want too even if it's something out of the ordinary. I know one lady who use to be a dominatrix and she said that it was exhausting because she had to be mean all the time and I guess if she is serious with someone thats not her inclination. I get that, I guess there's a balance too because stagnate roles might not be interesting for some people either.

The giving and taking isn't so bad if the other person is considerate and cares about your feelings too. I'm not sure if i'm making sense. I feel like i just wrote a paragraph of cliches. It's almost 3 in the morning, not my most articulate post lol.

Being a dominatrix shouldn't involve being mean all the time, that sounds like it was much more of a job to her and less a natural expression she was capitalizing on. I get exhausted from dealing with women who want me to be the typical dominant male and that's essentially what I'm talking about here.

Not that the relationship is about sex, as in just sexual pleasure that any person can honestly just satisfy with an Internet connect and their hand, but rather I think it's more akin to going against my fundamental nature constantly, probably how a closeted gay person feels being married to someone of the opposite sex.

They probably genuinely got off sexually a lot but deep down it was killing them because they're gay. Well, that's how I feel about being with goofy submissive women my whole life lol. I can only keep it up for so long before I feel like I'm dying inside from a fundamental dissatisfaction. It's also not just sexual, because sex doesn't happen in a vacuum obviously, it comes with all kinds of dynamics and emotions.

this is my experience as well. and girls who are alpha in public and subs in private are totally my thing so that's awesome

What is it that you like about a woman who puts on a tough public front but are basically slavegirls in private? Genuinely interested.

For as long as I've known you, I learn something new every day. Holy shit lol.

Femdoms are the best, though I've never had such experience. Being the more "dominant" one all the time, to me, gets tiring over time. Switching it up every now and then could make things fresh I feel.

I'm surprised, I've always talked about what I'm into. Women have been using my face as a seat since I was in high school. :lol:

being able to switch it up within a single relationship is great. my current relationship is very fluid and boundless (or at least, moreso than most relationships, not completely ofc) and i love that, i've found there's so much of myself that had previously been untapped.

That sounds awesome. This is probably the best way to discover yourself, by being with someone who is exploratory and honestly most people probably find out, in the course of exploration in the bedroom, that they're vanilla and perfectly satisfied with basic, normal sex. For me it was just an unfolding, ever-expanding realization that I like to be a little worm. :rofl: