Males and Females

There really isn't much to tell. Just messaged a girl on OKC after reactivating it now that I'm in Chicago. Met up with her and drank some dank beers then we went back to her place but were too drunk/tired to bang in the night so we just passed out. Banged in the morning while hungover and still exhausted/drunk.
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I don't think extroversion has any direct correlation with how much you have or your ability to have sex. I'm super introverted and I'm willing to bet I've had more sex than Yoda.

Introversion =/= shy. It's how you process and deal with things. Extroversion is rewarded more in society but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better or gives one more of an advantage.

I'm sure I'm asking for jokes here but it wouldn't be unexpected anyway.
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Obviously extroversion isn't everything and introversion isn't inherently damning, but introversion is defined as a preference for asocial activities and sex is inherently social so obviously there's a correlation. A quick Google seems to confirm that extroverts have significantly more sex than introverts.

Also, most people that describe themselves as "super introverted" are actually total fucking normies. Like, literally the only times I've heard people openly describe themselves as introverted in real life were some of the most outgoing and extroverted people I've known, usually announcing it to whatever the large crowd they happened to be in the middle of at the time. My faggot rapist friend was a "total introvert", for example. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect applied to social situations; the less time you spend on self-reflection and independence, the less likely you are to accurately judge your need for social contact.
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It's actually not about preferences. Introversion means that social situations exhaust you mentally and extroversion means that a lack of social situations exhausts you mentally.

I'm introverted and even though I don't hang out with large groups of people much anymore, when I used to skateboard which involved hanging around with 10+ people for 6-8 hours every weekend day, I'd be so mentally drained that I'd have to spend the whole Sunday just being alone recovering.

I've always had a lot of friends so I discovered really early just how introverted I am.
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It's not like it has a rigid definition, but that one is certainly more specific/less practical. Even if that was the definitive meaning of the word, if you accept that sex is a social situation, then you accept that sex in energizing (or at least non-exhausting) for extroverts and tiring for introverts. If you accept that people generally prefer activities that excite them to ones that exhaust them, then you must accept that extroverts would be on average more likely to have sex more often after controlling for other factors.
Well no, sex is brief. Relationships on the other hand are brutal to maintain for me probably because I'm an introvert and it exhausts me to the point that it fucks with my depression. Never being able to be truly alone and not wanting (because it's not a preference) to be by myself.

So extroverts probably get more sex than introverts because extroverts are probably predisposed to having long-lasting, regularly sexual relationships. Basically, if you're in relationships for longer you probably average more sex than the poor bastard constantly breaking up with people.
Is sex brief for a person that seeks out/engages in casual sex regularly? Are relationships not a primary mode of acquiring sex for many people?
If I had to guess, I'd say Yoda has no game. He seems like the type to try and friendship his way into some pussy but instead he friendships his way into personal feelings that end up hurting him.

He needs to binge on Patrice O'Neal and learn some mack life. :D
Sex itself is not an introvert/extravert issue wtf.

It is when you're a self proclaimed 'sex demon' apparently

It's actually not about preferences. Introversion means that social situations exhaust you mentally and extroversion means that a lack of social situations exhausts you mentally.

I'm introverted and even though I don't hang out with large groups of people much anymore, when I used to skateboard which involved hanging around with 10+ people for 6-8 hours every weekend day, I'd be so mentally drained that I'd have to spend the whole Sunday just being alone recovering.

I've always had a lot of friends so I discovered really early just how introverted I am.

This 100%

Introverts expend energy by interacting and extroverts gain energy by interacting. Introverts recharge by being alone and extroverts recharge by interacting. Sex is mutually exclusive from all of this.

If I don't have a solid evening during the week to just recharge and do absolutely nothing but be by myself, I never feel rested.
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The whole 'energy' thing always sounds really fucking retarded to me.

I guess it just sounds too much like the shite that star sign fucks come out with. That and it doesn't apply to me as I sit pretty much in the middle of this spectrum. I gain energy by sleeping. I can only do that in the dark, so I guess my body engages in some sort of anti-photosynthesis.
The whole 'energy' thing always sounds really fucking retarded to me.

I guess it just sounds too much like the shite that star sign fucks come out with. That and it doesn't apply to me as I sit pretty much in the middle of this spectrum. I gain energy by sleeping. I can only do that in the dark, so I guess my body engages in some sort of anti-photosynthesis.

Okay Mr. Literal
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