Males and Females

The whole 'energy' thing always sounds really fucking retarded to me.

I guess it just sounds too much like the shite that star sign fucks come out with. That and it doesn't apply to me as I sit pretty much in the middle of this spectrum. I gain energy by sleeping. I can only do that in the dark, so I guess my body engages in some sort of anti-photosynthesis.


Fucking idiot.
I fucking wish I was though.

I'm sure my numbers could be much higher if I A) settled for chicks that are more unattractive than what I care for or B) I actually went out and pursued said chicks more. Most times I'd rather get drunk with some friends at a bar than hit on them.
why can a manbeast like yoda get free sex and not me

He gets girls drunk and still acts like a gentleman and doesn't fuck them until they know what's up. When they realize what a character he is they can't help themselves but have some disgusting sex. He can provide.

When have you ever acted with such altruism?
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I'm going to take my life experience over the edgy contrarian opinion of a virgin faggot that fucks pillows and probably doesn't even have a job. Have you ever met actual people irl?

He's not right and you only agree with him because nobody else does. Typical /pol/tard dickhead.
I'm going to take my life experience over the edgy contrarian opinion of a virgin faggot that fucks pillows and probably doesn't even have a job. Have you ever met actual people irl?

He's not right and you only agree with him because nobody else does. Typical /pol/tard dickhead.

Your life experience with the definitions of ambiguous psychology terms? I never said anything about whether or not introverted people, let alone you specifically, get tired by social interactions you stupid illiterate child-support-cheating shits-on-the-walls-of-his-government-provided-housing Kekistani feminist-cunt-killer edgelord fuck. I'm saying that the very term, along with most other psychology jargon that attempts to classify human personalities via arbitrary axes, is ambiguous and to sperg out about the true definition when your own Wikipedia-provided definition calls your's into question is stupid.

And I do have a job, what makes you think otherwise? What do you do to pay the baby-momma?
Fair enough, searching he apparently only mentioned it once and seemed kinda vague about it, but a good handyman is always something in value.
Eh I was just being a dick because I can't seem to shake this fucking migraine, and also because HBB is a faggot, but mostly the former.

Edit: now apparently I'm also losing my voice. Fml.
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