Males and Females

This is a question for both males and females. What role does height have as far as sexual attraction?

I am a guy who is 5'4 or 5'5 (on a good day) and 5'6 on a good day in boots and I prefer girls who are 5'7-5'11. Some girls can pull off the whole petite thing but most can't.

I'm desperate though so I am not that particular.
Anecdotally I think there's a subconscious association between height and physical strength/dominance. I find taller women less attractive, and I happen to be more of a dom. I know a very short guy who otherwise seems quite attractive, and he's often complained that his height narrows his dating options.
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Anecdotally I think there's a subconscious association between height and physical strength/dominance. I find taller women less attractive, and I happen to be more of a dom. I know a very short guy who otherwise seems quite attractive, and he's often complained that his height narrows his dating options.

There is a kid at my school who is a little bit talller than me (probably 5'5 or 5'6 without shoes) and he supposedly scores all of the hoes. Then again he is jacked. As a general rule, though, women tend to be subs and height is associated with dominance.

I am kind of both dom and sub so it varies from day to day, but generally girls on the upper end of average height tend to have more attractive features.
I'm a 5'6" guy and tend to find women taller than me less attractive. I think it's mostly a matter of proportions. Taller people basically have two options: lanky, or chunky in the thighs to carry their larger size. A beautiful face can more than make up for a bit of either, but I still imagine they'd be even hotter if they were a few inches shorter.
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I don't give a fuck how tall women are. It's as irrelevant as skin colour when it comes to how attractive I find women. Maybe part of that is down to my not being short but I've been with women taller than me and I can't imagine I'd find them more or less attractive if their height was changed.
I don't give a fuck how tall women are. It's as irrelevant as skin colour when it comes to how attractive I find women. Maybe part of that is down to my not being short but I've been with women taller than me and I can't imagine I'd find them more or less attractive if their height was changed.

With skin color, it isn't the skin color itself in most cases but the facial features and proportions that go along with it.
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A woman being taller than me wouldn't threaten my masculinity. On contrary, I would take pride in knowing I could get the interest of someone despite being shorter than her.
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In general, most women don't want a guy shorter than them, much like most men don't want a girl fatter.

It's always funny when I'm on tinder and they ask my height, I tell them and immediately ask their weight and I'm rude huh? bitches and logic

Already a meme, bruh

ive been on a hooker fucking spree the last 3 weeks and with each one i close my eyes and imagine im fucking office girl as i cry out her name and weep into the pillow
What ended up happening when you gave her the drawings?
Okay, I'm officially 5'5 on a good day. I'm 17, one more inch and I am only "fairly short". I'm going to get Tindr soon, I'm just worried about my parents somehow finding out.