Males and Females

theres this girl in my geometry class and she is fucking HOT. she reminds me of this girl i liked at my old school, looks exactly the same except taller. idk how to talk to her, i have this class every other day and its first thing in the morning. all i can do in that class is sleep...
if you're gonna sleep through your morning class anyway
you should start going out to nightclubs, it will help you learn how to talk to girls
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And now you have the urge to shower in it.
If you aren't jealous regarding your spouse/SO to a point, there's no actual emotional investment, and the relationship is simply transactional which is using each other as means rather than as an end to themselves, contra-Kant.
If you aren't jealous regarding your spouse/SO to a point, there's no actual emotional investment, and the relationship is simply transactional which is using each other as means rather than as an end to themselves, contra-Kant.
I invest positive emotions deeply, but have relatively few negative emotions to speak of - none of which are directed towards anything of note that my girlfriend says/does. The closest thing to jealousy I feel is just a general wariness that there are creeps out there, as she's friendly with strangers. But then we have such a strong connection that there was nothing her longtime husband could do about it and it'd take a hypermiracle to replace me. :yow: