Males and Females

Having a sex drive is a pain in the ass.

Very few people are built to handle them

And yet they seem more and more frequent these days. I never got the impression the polyamorous relationships were a mutual thing (ie: both SOs supported it). It always seems like one brings it up and the other goes along with it because the marriage or whatever isn't fulfilling to either. At that point, why are you still together?
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And yet they seem more and more frequent these days. I never got the impression the polyamorous relationships were a mutual thing (ie: both SOs supported it). It always seems like one brings it up and the other goes along with it because the marriage or whatever isn't fulfilling to either. At that point, why are you still together?

That seems to pretty much be the rule not the exception. If two people love each other and want to be as excepting of the other's sexuality as possible, there's a good chance they'll consent to the arrangement without actually being comfortable with it or able to handle it. Especially now in these times of knocking down old standards these people can't actually survive the things they want to champion as the new normal.
my experience dealing with people who call themselves "poly" are really just totally up-front about it
where they just tell someone that they just met that they just can't be monogamous
and then those people find each other

i know a girl named Sonny that ALWAYS has 2 boyfriends at once, and each guy is always okay with her fucking the other
she hangs out in goth circles where each time she fucks a brand-new guy, it's always a friend of one of her previous sex partners
she's also a furry
I have a couple of male friends who are openly poly. One is bisexual so that kinda makes sense. Actually, I think his sister is too, but her looks would make it difficult to get men.

The other is mostly focused on one woman at a time, while said woman's husband is probably off with someone else to add additional spice to his life. It's one thing to be cool with sharing, which can be relatively private. I figure the bigger hurdle is being comfortable with going to poly parties and hanging out with open people, but it could be an efficient way to find relationships if traditional means failed him.
i know a girl named Sonny that ALWAYS has 2 boyfriends at once, and each guy is always okay with her fucking the other
she hangs out in goth circles where each time she fucks a brand-new guy, it's always a friend of one of her previous sex partners
she's also a furry

You believe them because they tell you they're okay with it? You really are gullible if that's the case.

How many marriages look healthy on the outside but are really falling apart behind closed doors? This is part of the new social pressure I was referring to, that people want to be progressive, accepting and open-minded about things like polyamory but in reality they're not equipped to handle it. The rare cases where two polyamorous people meet and it works are the exception to the rule with these set-ups, and even then it's not a strong bet that those relationships won't also implode because polyamorous people are still burdened by jealousy and hurt feelings like everybody else.

I have a couple of male friends who are openly poly. One is bisexual so that kinda makes sense.

It makes sense to be polyamorous because you're bisexual? The implication being bisexual people are naturally more promiscuous?
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I've been in two open relationships. Each one was a disaster. Fun, sure, but it takes a certain type of person to maintain that dynamic forever.
No, the implication being that a person of one gender might not satisfy all his needs. I used the word "kinda" for a reason.

Yeah but dammit, you could say that about any 100% hetero as well, like, I don't get to satisfy all my needs if that would mean facefucking every girl on the street that I'm attracted to.

Surely being a bisexual doesn't mean they need one of each gender available for a fuck at all times.
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I honestly don't know how anyone can be bothered attempting to manage several relationships at once.

This is precisely my view on these "polyamorous" relationships. I don't know where I would find the time or energy to maintain two instead of one. If it was just quick fucks then possibly, but other problems would arise.

I do know a lot of people that, so to say, cannot resist.:p
I think that's naturally part of the problem. Very few people can evenly distribute their attention, desire, love and sex between more than one partner. One will slowly become preferred and the other(s) neglected. This is the problem for the person who is polyamorous, never mind the partner who might not be so but wants to do it for the benefit of the other, their problems are tenfold.
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Surely being a bisexual doesn't mean they need one of each gender available for a fuck at all times.
No, but someone who's cool with being poly is able to indulge in things that monogamous people don't. Anyway, I've gone far enough into a convo that I don't particularly care about. I'm liberally fatigued by one relationship too.
Surely being a bisexual doesn't mean they need one of each gender available for a fuck at all times.

It certainly doesn’t for me!

But honestly, loads of people seem to think this is what a bisexual person wants. It seems especially prevalent among heterosexual women who seem convinced a bisexual male wouldn’t be able to resist cheating on them with a man. But some gay men are pretty funny about the whole thing as well. I’m not sure where it comes from tbh as it makes no sense to me. I don’t think a bisexual person is any more likely to cheat than a heterosexual person.
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I don’t think a bisexual person is any more likely to cheat than a heterosexual person.

a "bi-sexual person" is a person with an oral fixation where they kinda get addicted to performing oral
on both males and females
this kind of person will usually just have one boyfriend and one girlfriend at a time
and nowadays you will find that sometimes the boyfriend and the girlfriend will be friends with each other

accepting and open-minded polyamory but in reality they're not equipped to handle it.

some people really just aren't capable of maintaining monogamy
bill clinton for example

It makes sense to be polyamorous because you're bisexual? The implication being bisexual people are naturally more promiscuous?
sometimes the bi-sexual person just wants only one guy and only one girl at a time
trying to date 3 people at once is a pain in the ass
and dating 2 people at once is really only easy when they know about each other

I've been in two open relationships. Each one was a disaster. Fun, sure, but it takes a certain type of person to maintain that dynamic forever.
i've done the whole dating 2 women at once thing several times
it's actually pretty easy when they know about each other and each of them is okay with sharing you

I honestly don't know how anyone can be bothered attempting to manage several relationships at once.
i can do 2 relationships at once, but not 3

No, the implication being that a person of one gender might not satisfy all his needs. I used the word "kinda" for a reason.
bi-sexual people sometimes oral fixated people that sometimes get addicted to performing oral on both genders

Surely being a bisexual doesn't mean they need one of each gender available for a fuck at all times.

sometimes it does

No person can (sexually) satisfy all the needs of another.

monogamy isn't natural anyway

This is precisely my view on these "polyamorous" relationships. I don't know where I would find the time or energy to maintain two instead of one. If it was just quick fucks then possibly, but other problems would arise.

i can find the time to date 2 girls at once, but trying to date 3 at once is just too exhausting

Very few people can evenly distribute their attention, desire, love and sex between more than one partner.

it's not as few as you think

No, but someone who's cool with being poly is able to indulge in things that monogamous people don't.

things like 3-somes

It certainly doesn’t for me!

But honestly, loads of people seem to think this is what a bisexual person wants. It seems especially prevalent among heterosexual women who seem convinced a bisexual male wouldn’t be able to resist cheating on them with a man.

sometimes a guy who loves eating pussy is a guy who also loves touching other guy's dicks
how hard is that to understand??

I don’t think a bisexual person is any more likely to cheat than a heterosexual person.

is the bi-sexual person really "cheating" if they only have one person of each gender at a time??
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