Males and Females

Everybody should take advice on polyamorous relationships from a homeless crackhead.

some people really just aren't capable of maintaining monogamy
bill clinton for example

I never once said there aren't polyamorous people out there.

monogamy isn't natural anyway

We're not talking about what's natural. What's natural is more akin to males impregnating as many females as possible. This is about relationships, and polyamory is the act of having a relationship with someone while consensually having sex with others outside of that relationship, or having multiple relationships at the same time without keeping them a secret. Keyword; relationship.

it's not as few as you think

Yes it is.
Everybody should take advice on polyamorous relationships from a homeless crackhead.

I never once said there aren't polyamorous people out there.

We're not talking about what's natural. What's natural is more akin to males impregnating as many females as possible. This is about relationships, and polyamory is the act of having a relationship with someone while consensually having sex with others outside of that relationship, or having multiple relationships at the same time without keeping them a secret. Keyword; relationship.

Yes it is.
my whole fucking point was that "monogamous sexual relationships" aren't fucking natural
at some point during infancy/toddler-hood/pre-adolescence almost every single human on earth goes through a phase of looking like their biological father in the face
and why does this happen??
because female monogamy is just as un-natural as male monogamy
a pre-puberty child going through a phase of looking like their dad in the face is a safety-mechanism
it allows a slutty female to figure out which guy knocked her up
which in theory would be used to prevent the specific birth defects that are caused by inbreeding
female monogamy wasn't invented by mother nature
female monogamy was invented by Moses to create patriarchal society
as proof of this
check out the Book of Numbers where the God-of-the-Israelites actually instructs the Israelites to completely annihilate the 2 Matriarchal tribes (which the Isrealites actually do) immediately following Phinehas killing the female-Pope of the Midianites (book of Numbers chapter 25)

in those matriarchal tribes you were the child of your mother, the granchild of her mother and nobody even bothered to keep track of who your father was because female monogamy isn't natural
Intimate relationships aren't natural.

You can ramble on about random shit and idiotically conflate promiscuity with polyamory all you like, the point is that intimacy in the overwhelming majority of relationships (it's not even close) only works monogamously.

I understand it's a construct, but the reason monogamy has survived ever-increasing secularization and the spread of atheism is because it works better than anything else regardless of who you think invented it.

Oh and having a harem is way more patriarchal than having an intimate relationship with one person, it's also much more comparable to polyamory. Whoring around isn't the point here, it's whether you can hold down several intimate relationships simultaneously, and most people can't.
I’m going to pretend I didn’t just read all that shit you posted about bisexuality. Jesus fucking Christ.

Are they really cheating if they only have one of each gender?! Of course they are! Unless it’s been agreed upon by all involved.
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all of you people are all talking as if none of you has ever tried to have any kind of triad relationship before
One of them offered to leave her husband for me. Basically proves exactly what CiG said, and is what happens in most cases. A lot of those people are in a situation where they feel “trapped” so they’re looking for an escape route. Bad reason to be in a polyamorous relationship, to be fair, but also exactly why it doesn’t work for most people.

Edit: The other one desperately tried to make me jealous and when that didn’t work, she regressed to insults. She’s, ya know, all about being poly but she certainly doesn’t like it when her partner doesn’t react to the knowledge that she’s seeing other people.
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Think I’m already notorious for this here but I tried dating a 46 year old woman recently. Have a shit load in common with her and she’s a really fascinating person. She gave me the good ol’ “you’re too young for me” spiel but later expressed disappointment about the age gap. I think she’d been drinking at the time though because I haven’t talked to her much since. Swing and a miss. Blech.

Have another one on deck who really can’t decide on whether or not she wants to date me. Same age. She’s said I’m too young for her too but she messages me asking where I’m at whenever she’s out so she’s definitely still thinking about it. Fun times.
Tell us about your "triad relationships" lmao.

so my girlfriend's chef got totally hammered and started screaming at the neighbors in the courtyard of the complex, and my girlfriend got a 30-day notice

so now, we're going to end up with, me, my girlfriend, my girlfriend's gay brother, my girlfriend's chef, and the 2 guys that are banging the chef are all going to be living together in 2 weeks

this is going to be awkward

i was banging "my girlfriend's chef" and both of them were fucking my friend Scott
"my girlfriend" died and the chef got knocked up by someone that wasn't me
Sounds like Blurry_Dreams has perfectly healthy relationships.

Totally ironic change of pace: Thinking about going on a date with a 23 year old who I'd previously been hesitant about due to red flags about her maturity level. Gorgeous looking girl but definitely has some stuff going on. Anyway, she apologized about shit she said to me a few weeks ago and now I'm reconsidering. Can't hurt to try, I guess.

Such a classic video. Both are bisexual, the woman seems eager to open the relationship at the start and the man seems hesitant. By the end she's driving him to his 309th date and then crying by herself in the car. He negs her constantly too, it's hilarious. Of course BuzzFeed tries to wrap it up with a positive ("we've both grown as people blah blah") but it's pretty obvious this didn't go how they wanted it to.

Polyamorous relationships are retarded.
"I don't want to put all my emotional baggage onto you"

Why are you with the person then? Do you not have family you can also vent to for those situations?

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