Males and Females

Blokes really like to romanticize crazy women. :lol:

No wonder women are taking over, nobody ever told them that stalking or taking the steering wheel of their BF's car to try and crash it wasn't allowed. It was probably guys who thought a woman voting was crazy and a turn on that lead to women's suffrage.
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taking the steering wheel of their BF's car to try and crash it wasn't allowed.
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Hahaha man I missed reading stories like this here.

Growing up guys never talked to me. I remember the age of social media with forums and music websites, I’ve had both guys and girls delete me from lastfm after finding out I’m black or maybe clicking on a link that linked a profile with a picture. Even with the relationship was just “hey cool music taste!” And strictly platonic. It’s crazy because now these people, some I see at shows, look like they’ve partied way too hard.

I can’t deal with too much crazy, though. Usually I know crazy when I see it, and someone who wants to murder me is just too much ha. Also, I have a tendency to appear sweet but can have the worst temper so I’m just thankful my boyfriend is waaaayyy less turnt than I am.
I think messing with crazy people romantically can be fun when you have little/nothing to lose, but once you have some shit you worked your ass off for they're really just a threat to stability. I can't even imagine coming home from a long day at work to a chaotic situation involving some lunatic, fuck that right off.
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my boyfriend is waaaayyy less turnt than I am.

Indeed he is. :rofl:

But I guess I've never seen you in a bad mood, you were always so chill, like, even when Dodens was refusing to go eat lunch so he could see more exhibits in Berlin, even I was fucking losing it and you were doing well.
Back in like 2013 there was a cool reality TV web series called Geek Love, that documented a speed dating service founded by a big fat nerd named Ryan Glitch (I call him Chad Skywalker because he lowkey roasts the participants and says a lot of funny shit) who held them at comic conventions.


Anyway blah blah I was binge-watching the episodes again last night and while every episode is funny, weird, insightful, entertaining, this episode in particular has this interesting thing going on at multiple levels.

So this Joey guy is presented as the mama's boy stereotype, his father is a broken-English speaking European (I think?) and his mother is a kind of classic overly paternalistic type, and during the speed dating the guy comes across two chicks he digs, a really weird autistic thin chick and a thicc Dr. Who fan that's kinda slutty looking (he prefers the latter though).


When all the speed dates are done, the men stay seated and the women move to sit with whoever they found most compatible (standard shit) and he's hoping the thicc Dr. Who thot comes to sit with him, and she makes moves to his area but the thin autistic nerd girl LITERALLY REMOVES HER FLIP-FLOPS AND RUNS at him and now he's stuck with her.


Now here's where it gets interesting, because this guy is supposed to be a socially inept virgin basically, a mama's boy, so it doesn't seem weird that he would invite the thin nerd girl back to his place (he lives at home still) for a gaming session/date thingy.


In the process she's forced to interact with his parents who are awkward as fuck (though she does make what feels like a sexual pun while playing Tetris with the guy about "where does the long piece go" but it seemingly goes over his head... or does it?) and it seems like the whole event dries her pussy up so much she makes moves to get the fuck outta there ("I have to go study").

Womp womp for the mama's boy right? Rookie move dude, never introduce the parents on a first date.


Well it turns out our boy might actually be the rare Alpha Nerd because IMMEDIATELY after the date with the 'rents flops he goes BACK to the convention to track down the thicc Dr. Who chick and asks her out on a date, they go eat and he has a great time, and doesn't bring her ANYWHERE near his parents lmfao.

Pretty boss move, and at the end he says he moved the fuck out and got his own apartment lmao. He used his parents as a cockblock on the girl he liked least. :lol:
I’ve been with my wife for a decade but before that I loved mentally fucked girls tbh. (My wife is a bit unstable but fairy calm by my standards) I’ve been punched in my face and the girls ring cut me up. Attacked with a knife. Won’t call it a full on stab wound lol oh and the one girl grabbed my steering wheel and tried to wreck my car. Thrashed her good for that one. Thought for sure I was going to be arrested on a couple occasions, nah those girls loved that shit. Ate it and came back naked for more.

learned if you’re a bigger guy it’s easier. Just disarm a bitch and lean on her. She’ll tire out quick enough.

Borderline Personality Disorder girls do that.
i'm a crazy-girl magnet

here's how i get laid

oh, hey, that girl over there wants to fuck me

oh, wait that girl that wants to fuck me is bat-shit crazy

being celibate sucks, i'm gonna go fuck the crazy girl even though she's crazy

then at some point after sex i end up in the ER cuz the crazy-girl's teeth just shredded the side of my face

i'm a crazy-girl magnet

here's how i get laid

oh, hey, that girl over there wants to fuck me

oh, wait that girl that wants to fuck me is bat-shit crazy

being celibate sucks, i'm gonna go fuck the crazy girl even though she's crazy

then at some point after sex i end up in the ER cuz the crazy-girl's teeth just shredded the side of my face

i am not endorsing this^^ as a good method for getting pussy

i'm merely describing how i get laid
I can’t wait for the day it will be legal for hospitals to turn people’s asses away