Males and Females

I'm the more rational one in my relationship and I gotta tell ya it grates my fucking nerves. Never go for crazy. Never even go for interesting, settle down with a 6/10 who does what you say and you'll be so much happier in the long run.
I guess I got lucky. I'm the more rational one but my girlfriend's personality is so similar to mine that in between the belief in magic & symbols and occasional hallucinations and things, she's very rational too. :D I'm a total calming influence because I'm open to that stuff and I never need/want to tell her what to do. Only people who tell her what to do or try to guilt trip her risk facing the wrath of her craziness.
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And they're probably better looking than us, that's why they never developed anything more interesting at a younger age. Socializing with other good looking people was a hobby in itself.

I likewise have a theory that as single lifelong good looking people navigate the dating pool in their 30s and 40s, they realize the lessening value of their looks. And in turn, they make an effort to engage in new hobbies and be more interesting. Since they already have the advantage of (generally) fine tuned social skills, they flourish in these hobbies by networking and joining clubs and finding others to learn from, etc.
What counts as attractive? I ain't afraid to admit that I'm built like a tank and have a pretty banging physique compared to most fatass American men (I'm 5'11, 211, 13% bodyfat). But my face is fucking busted af. I hate it with a passion.

I play bass and write a lot.

I'm also an asshole who hates most people and have an offensive sense of humor, like Frankie Boyle level shit.

There's gotta be some reason why I'm walking vagina repellent, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the fuck the problem is. I got my theories, though
Lol yes - regularly. Seems like lots of people do not have any interests or hobbies at all, and just somehow exist. It's mind-boggling.

Yeah, I have no idea how people think 'watching TV' is a hobby. I also think having one hobby can make that person kinda autistic in a sense because they overfocus on that hobby. I have 3 (or 4 if you count reading) hobbies (firearms, metalwork, drums/music). All 3 are time consuming and expensive. It gets to the point where I spend more money on the hobbies than basic shit like groceries.

Drums you can get away with not spending a lot of money later on but the upfront cost is astronomical. After that, you only need to really spend money on sticks/heads and maybe the occasional cymbal if you crack one or a new drum pedal if the ones you have wear out. The shells are pretty much fine unless you're beating the fuck out of them when taking them to gigs. I have backup cymbals for the backups though. I went crazy when I started.

Metalworking is also a large upfront cost with the forge and anvil (1,500 to 2,000 if you factor in getting basic shit like hammers and tongs). Luckily, you can get scrap steel for cheap right now just to fuck around. There are ways to save some money doing it, but if you really want to invest the time and energy at some point you will have to outfit yourself with the proper tools. It doesn't help that people are gouging the price of used anvils because of how popular smithing is again. People selling 85 pound used anvils for 600 bucks when I can get a brand new 115 lb anvil for 700 and discounted shipping. FOH with that shit. If it's 5 dollars a pound or below, I think that's a good deal on a used one.

Firearms and all the accessories are expensive depending on the route you go. In all honesty, you probably only need one firearm of each configuration (handgun, shotgun, rifle) if you want to make an investment but be thrifty about it but then if you want to collect or plink then you get different ones and then if you hunt there are different configurations etc. I don't hunt so all of my shit is just to collect/because I just want this particular firearm because they aren't common. I probably have more than I'll ever need but if for whatever reason there's a breakdown in society, I'll be able to outfit my entire family with a firearm. Ammunition is probably the cheapest it will ever be right now in terms of price per round so that helps.
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I think being into your career should also qualify. There's a lot of people down that route, climbing the ladder is plenty admirable.
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I think hobbies are very important. I've always been someone who could fuck off into my hobbies for hours. It gives you something to talk about and if your partner understands you, or is into some of the same shit you are, then they can join in as well and you guys can ride the weird vibe which is nice. I'm more of an introvert and hobbies has always been my way to deal with pretty much anything. Recently, I've been letting people "in" like talking about the weird shit that goes on in my head and even some of the weird things I believe. It's just that... the older you get the more you see how people are full of shit. Most people aren't trying to listen to one another and just thinking about what they can say as oppose to just listening and responding organically. Stuff like this bothers me because I really enjoy true connection and like experiencing intense feelings and those things need to be organic imo. So music, and anything art related, helps me to do this and then analyze it and try to find some "truth" to write about or some take-away to discuss.

But anyways, I think hobbies become important when you get older and are trying to find connections with people. I mean if you think about it as a kid, you would go out and play with other kids, and usually through those games you can see who you could play with and who you couldn't. We don't do that type of shit as an adult, unless you have a hobby in common. It's literally our way of "playing"
I consider listening to music/going to live shows to be my biggest hobby, and watching movies to be a fairly major hobby as well. I like creating a bit of various crap but I'm too lazy to do much of that so it's further down the list.
had sex with Princess at train station (had to stop when her train showed up)
then had sex with a random chick after i got downtown

2 different girls in one day
and that was Christmas Day BTW
this is a pic of the girl i fucked in the water in front of Dallas City Hall

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The hobby topic is strange. My colleague in the lab has recently asked me about my hobbies, an older woman, could be older than my mom I guess, and I didn't know what to respond and ended up with saying my biggest hobby is music. I immediately regretted saying that as I was asked what kind of music I listened to. The fucking dialogue always goes the same. I say some weird shit like classical and death metal, I said rock this time so she could understand and she said "given you like classical, how can you also listen to rock when it has no melody" or some shit like that. Oof, not again please. This woman listens to the worst garbage on the radio and when an italian 90's pop song gets cut off before it ends she complains that they always to this with Italian songs. Ugh.

If I said beer I would look like an unclean geezer alcoholic weirdo, so that would certainly be no better.

I wish nobody asked me about my hobbies. Hopefully work can become even more of my hobby though, I will work on that in 2020.

I got derailed. I don't even fucking know what I wanted to say in the first place so fuck off.
Right on, man! This is your longest yet

Ondra's story sounds familiar. I agree it's annoying explaining your hobby to someone who doesn't get it/know of it.
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