Males and Females

I met a lady last night during a board game party at a friend's house. We connected pretty well. She lives at the house there (ex-girlfriend / "tenant" of the owner), and she and I got into a deep conversation after everyone else had left or gone to bed. She's not really my type (southern, poor, uneducated, tough, extroverted), but she is attractive, and it felt like we could tell each other anything.

Funny thing is, for the past few weeks I've been making arrangements with the owner of the house to rent a room there...
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I don't watch Seinfeld, but yeah it does sound like one of those quirky sitcom setups.

My social life's been pretty boring for the past year, mostly either seeing the same people in some structured setting (i.e. the writing critique group) or emotional support for my needy ex-gf. Really looking forward to getting out of this hellish job situation so I have the time and energy to do more mingling / meeting people.
Paying my partner to do all my laundry - cheaper than the laundry place. Idk man as the years go on I'm pretty sure I'm as alpha as they come. Feels good. My dick is hard and also huge.
Idk I think being economically stable enough to throw cash at a house husband during a pandemic for doing what is expected of him is definitely a benevolent kind of superiority.

I guess my tongue isn't alllll the way through my cheek on this. Isn't giving your partner an allowance because you're so pro gamer kind of tops?
I think I'm actually helping in that regard since he's laid off over econovidkiller-19. Most people are I'm very lucky to still be working.
You should come to Australia, we've got security guards standing at the front of supermarkets counting the number of people who enter.
Got into an argument with my parents about getting a different job in armed if they have a different idea. Either way I'm out of work

My idea was definitely better. Get drunk, eat a lot and lift weights until I can work again. Hopefully I'll be back to 220 by then
I'm finally visiting Auckland again as of late last week. Saw my girlfriend for the first time in 96 days. Could've seen her close to a month earlier given the fortune of COVID-19 being squashed so well here, but she was busy and my health was still too fucked. Now's good though as there are live shows to see again.

She's actually used the time apart to change for the better and find a better balance in life, though not exactly due to not seeing me. :p More about bouncing back from some rock bottom craziness where shit hit the fan and being able to spend quality time with her family 'unit' even though the wheels of separation are slowly in motion.

A long haul with a lot of patience required in our situation, that's for sure. I'm waiting for apartment building repairs that are more complicated and taking way longer than anticipated, but it just doesn't make sense for me to throw away more time and money than I have getting set up renting a place in Auckland in the meantime. Better to throw away some of what I have on motels and shit once in a while as I can keep a lid on that. She might have a space for me to visit in a while though... we'll see.
My new girlfriend is in love with my pheromones

She's OCD and seemingly bi-polar
Her 2 poles seem to be
A) totally head over heels in love with me
B) wanting to kill me

Oh, wait I've been through this before

At least she's not beating me with guaranteed-to-be-unbreakable umbrellas...yet...