Professional Asshole
One thing's certain, Blurry, nobody can accuse you of having a boring life
i became part of a crew yesterdayOne thing's certain, Blurry, nobody can accuse you of having a boring life
@zabu of nΩd
here's how i get laid
oh, hey, that dick-hungry girl over there wants my dick
oh, wait, that girl that want's my dick is totally bat-shit-crazy, prolly shouldn't fuck that
being celibate sucks, I'm gonna go fuck the bat-shit-crazy girl
me seducing totally bat-shit-crazy girls isn't even anything i can teach anyone else how to do
it's really more like my dick is a magic-magnet that pulls totally-crazy women to me,
as opposed to, you know, a regular magnet that pulls metal
what the hell
play motionless in white
Want a back massage, sure
How about an ass massage, ok
Can I lick it, if you like
Then explain you?You can get pretty far with some directness, confidence and a decent degree of hygiene. This is why incels are cringelord faggots.